When an object moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration, the initial velocity is 2m / s, and the acceleration is a = 0.5m every second, the displacement of the object in the third second can be calculated. The method and steps to solve the problem

When an object moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration, the initial velocity is 2m / s, and the acceleration is a = 0.5m every second, the displacement of the object in the third second can be calculated. The method and steps to solve the problem

Initial velocity v. = 2m / s, a = 0.5m/s ^ 2,
Displacement S1 = v. * t + 1 / 2A * T ^ 2 = 5m (t = 2) in 2 seconds
Displacement S2 = v. * t + 1 / 2A * T ^ 2 = 6 + 9 / 4 (t = 3) in 3 seconds
The third second displacement S = s2-s1 = 13 / 4