The car starts to drive on the straight road from the standstill, and the graph of the car's acceleration changing with time within 60 s is as follows Can you tell me which formula to use?

The car starts to drive on the straight road from the standstill, and the graph of the car's acceleration changing with time within 60 s is as follows Can you tell me which formula to use?

(1) the speed image is shown in the figure. (2) 900m
2m/s2 X 10s=20m/s
(20m/s2)2/2 X 2m/2=100m
20m/s X 30s=600m
20m/s X 20s-1/2 X 1m/s2 X (20s)2=200m
S total = 100m + 600m + 200m = 900m