The initial velocity of the object is 5m / s, and the acceleration is - 2m / S ^ 2 What is the distance in 4 seconds if you slide on a rough horizontal surface? Is the object moving in the direction of acceleration to the left or deceleration to the right

The initial velocity of the object is 5m / s, and the acceleration is - 2m / S ^ 2 What is the distance in 4 seconds if you slide on a rough horizontal surface? Is the object moving in the direction of acceleration to the left or deceleration to the right

So let the original direction of motion be right
In the first 2.5 seconds
After 2.5s, the speed is 0
Let the right be the positive direction
Then s = 5 * T-1 / 2 * a * T ^ 2 = 5 * 2.5-6.25 = 6.25m
Do you understand