For an object moving in a straight line, the average speed of the first half of the displacement is 3m / s, and the average speed of the second half is 2m / s. then the average speed of the whole process is? Please explain why, not just a formula, answer, I want to know how to calculate

For an object moving in a straight line, the average speed of the first half of the displacement is 3m / s, and the average speed of the second half is 2m / s. then the average speed of the whole process is? Please explain why, not just a formula, answer, I want to know how to calculate

Very simple, directly according to the definition of the expression, and then do a little deformation
If the displacement is 2S, the first half of the displacement will take T1, and the second half will take T2
S / T1 = 3, S / T2 = 2, the average speed of the whole course v = 2S / (T1 + T2);
The rest is mathematical processing: observe the known and unknown, you can find that the average velocity V can be obtained as follows
Taking the reciprocal of both sides of V = 2S / (T1 + T2) at the same time, we get 1 / v = (T1 + T2) / 2S = 0.5 [T1 / S + T2 / S] = 0.5 [1 / 3 + 1 / 2] = 0.5 [5 / 6] = 5 / 12, so we can easily get v = 12 / 5 = 2.4