1.6/1 hour = () minutes 2.6.08 cubic meters = () cubic meters () cubic decimeters 3. A cylinder and a cone are of equal height and equal base. The sum of their volumes is 48 cubic centimeters, and the volume of this cone is () cubic centimeters 4. The side area of the cylinder is fixed, and the radius of the bottom is in direct proportion to () 5 ratio: 4.2:3 5cm: 30m Simplification ratio: 192:645.25:356/1:9/1 15 / 8:25 / 12 3T: 150kg Solution equation: 1.5x + 24 = 89 9 / 2 × 3 + 4x = 12 / 11 14 / 3x + 21 / 13X = 28 / 15 To find the ratio, simplify the ratio and solve the equation,

1.6/1 hour = () minutes 2.6.08 cubic meters = () cubic meters () cubic decimeters 3. A cylinder and a cone are of equal height and equal base. The sum of their volumes is 48 cubic centimeters, and the volume of this cone is () cubic centimeters 4. The side area of the cylinder is fixed, and the radius of the bottom is in direct proportion to () 5 ratio: 4.2:3 5cm: 30m Simplification ratio: 192:645.25:356/1:9/1 15 / 8:25 / 12 3T: 150kg Solution equation: 1.5x + 24 = 89 9 / 2 × 3 + 4x = 12 / 11 14 / 3x + 21 / 13X = 28 / 15 To find the ratio, simplify the ratio and solve the equation,

1.60 * (1 / 6) = 102.0.08 * 1000 = 80 cubic decimeter 6 cubic meter 80 cubic decimeter 3.1 / 3A + a = 48A = 3636 * (1 / 3) = 124. Height 5.4.2:3 = 1.45 cm: 30 m = 0.05 M: 30 m = 1 / 600 192:64 = 3:1 5.25:35 = 5:28 6 / 1:9 / 1 = 2:3 15 / 8:25 / 12 = 9:10 3 ton: 150 kg = 3000