A factory produces a and B products, in which workshop a only produces a product and workshop B only produces B product. The quantity of a product produced by workshop a is 3 pieces less than that produced by workshop B, and the quantity of B product produced by workshop B in 2 days is 1 piece less than that produced by workshop a in 3 days? How many pieces of product B are produced in workshop B every day? (2) The factory price of class a products is 160 yuan per piece, and that of class B products is 210 yuan per piece. A customer needs to buy 100 pieces of class A and class B products at one time. Workshop a and workshop B of the factory produce them for 7 days at the same time when there is no inventory. The cost of purchasing class A and class B products at the factory price is not less than 18500 yuan but less than 18650 yuan Design purchase plan for the customer through calculation

A factory produces a and B products, in which workshop a only produces a product and workshop B only produces B product. The quantity of a product produced by workshop a is 3 pieces less than that produced by workshop B, and the quantity of B product produced by workshop B in 2 days is 1 piece less than that produced by workshop a in 3 days? How many pieces of product B are produced in workshop B every day? (2) The factory price of class a products is 160 yuan per piece, and that of class B products is 210 yuan per piece. A customer needs to buy 100 pieces of class A and class B products at one time. Workshop a and workshop B of the factory produce them for 7 days at the same time when there is no inventory. The cost of purchasing class A and class B products at the factory price is not less than 18500 yuan but less than 18650 yuan Design purchase plan for the customer through calculation

(1) Suppose workshop a produces X type a products every day, workshop B produces x + 3 type B products every day, 2 (x + 3) = 3x-1 (2 points) solution: x = 7, so & nbsp; X + 3 = 10 answer: workshop a produces 7 type a products every day, and workshop B produces 10 type B products every day (4 points) (2) suppose that the customer purchases M pieces of type a products, then he purchases (100-m) pieces of type B products (6 points) solution: 47 < m ≤ 50 (7 points) ∵ m is a positive integer ∵ m is 48,49,50, and ∵ workshop a produces 49 pieces of product a in 7 days, workshop B produces 70 pieces of product B in 7 days ∵ m is 48,49, and the corresponding values of (100-m) are 52,51 (9 points) there are two purchase plans: 48 products of type A and 52 products of type B; 49 products of type A and 51 products of type B (10 points)