A cylindrical steel with a bottom circumference of 12.56 cm and a height of 9 cm is forged into a conical steel with a bottom radius of 3, What is the height of the conical steel?

A cylindrical steel with a bottom circumference of 12.56 cm and a height of 9 cm is forged into a conical steel with a bottom radius of 3, What is the height of the conical steel?

The circumference of the cylinder is 12.56cm and the radius is r = 2cm
Cylinder area s = bottom area × height = π R & # 178; × H = 113.04 square centimeter
Because the cylinder area is 3 × cone area, the cone area after forging is 113.04 × 3 = 339.12 square centimeter
Cone area = 1 / 3 π R & # 178; × height = 339.12, height = 12cm