For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit number is 9 less than the square of the number on each digit, A steel plant produced 40000 tons of steel in January and 4.84 tons in March. What is the average monthly growth rate in February and March?

For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit number is 9 less than the square of the number on each digit, A steel plant produced 40000 tons of steel in January and 4.84 tons in March. What is the average monthly growth rate in February and March?

A two digit number, the square of the ten digit number is 9 less than the square of your number. If you transpose the one digit number and the ten digit number, the problem is not complete. A steel plant produced 40000 tons of steel in January this year, and 4.84 tons of steel in March. What is the average monthly growth rate in February and March? Suppose the average monthly growth rate in February and March is X4 (1 + X