A two digit number, the number on the ten digit is less than the square of the number on the one digit 9. If the number on the ten digit is transposed with the number on the one digit, the two digit number obtained is 27 less than the original two digit number, then the original two digit number is______ .

A two digit number, the number on the ten digit is less than the square of the number on the one digit 9. If the number on the ten digit is transposed with the number on the one digit, the two digit number obtained is 27 less than the original two digit number, then the original two digit number is______ .

Let X be the number on the original two digit number, then the number on the ten digit number is (x2-9).. 10 (x2-9) + x-10x - (x2-9) = 27, and the solution is X1 = 4, X2 = - 3 (not in line with the meaning of the question, rounding off).. x2-9 = 7,.. 10 (x2-9) + x = 74. Answer: the original two digit number is 74, so the answer is: 74