On the calendar of a month, can you circle 3 * 3 numbers with a square so that the sum of these 9 numbers is 93? If so, what are the dates of the nine days?

On the calendar of a month, can you circle 3 * 3 numbers with a square so that the sum of these 9 numbers is 93? If so, what are the dates of the nine days?

The number on the right is 1 larger than that on the left, and the number below is 7 larger than that on the top. Suppose the first number is X,
The first line: X, x + 1, x + 2
The second line: x + 7, x + 1 + 7, x + 2 + 7
The third line: x + 14, x + 1 + 14, x + 2 + 14
If the sum of nine numbers is 162, you can solve x = 10 by setting up an equation. If there are other conditions, you can set up an equation in this way