(1) 3 () 2; (2) - 2 () 0; (3) a & # 178; () 0; (4) - A & # 178; () 0 [use unequal sign to connect the following numbers or formulas] (1)3()2;(2)-2()0;(3)a²()0;(4)-a²()0 What language in life can be replaced by these unequal symbols (1) <: less than___________________ (2) Greater than___________________ (3) ≥: greater than or equal to________________ (4) ≤: less than or equal to________________

(1) 3 () 2; (2) - 2 () 0; (3) a & # 178; () 0; (4) - A & # 178; () 0 [use unequal sign to connect the following numbers or formulas] (1)3()2;(2)-2()0;(3)a²()0;(4)-a²()0 What language in life can be replaced by these unequal symbols (1) <: less than___________________ (2) Greater than___________________ (3) ≥: greater than or equal to________________ (4) ≤: less than or equal to________________

(1) <: less than_ Less, less, less__
(2) Greater than_ More, more, more_
(3) ≥: greater than or equal to_ Not less than, not less than_
(4) ≤: less than or equal to_ No more than_