F1 and F2 are two horizontal constant forces acting on the object P, with the magnitude of F1 = 3nf2 = 4N, In the process of making the object P move 5 m from static to horizontal, how much work do they do to the object? What is the algebraic sum of their work to the object? How much work do the resultant force of F1 and F2 do to the object? The direction of F1 is vertical downward, and the direction of F2 is horizontal right

F1 and F2 are two horizontal constant forces acting on the object P, with the magnitude of F1 = 3nf2 = 4N, In the process of making the object P move 5 m from static to horizontal, how much work do they do to the object? What is the algebraic sum of their work to the object? How much work do the resultant force of F1 and F2 do to the object? The direction of F1 is vertical downward, and the direction of F2 is horizontal right

W2=F2s=4 x 5=20J
Algebra and w = W1 + W2 = 20j
Fhe = √ (F1 ^ 2 + F2 ^ 2) = 5N, direction cosa = 4 / 5 (a is the angle with the horizontal direction)
Then w = f = 5 x 5 x 4 / 5 = 20j