An object is subjected to three common forces F1, F2 and F3, and their resultant force is zero. The magnitude of these three forces is 10N, 20n and 30n respectively. Now, F2 suddenly decreases to 16N. If the direction of the three forces remains unchanged, what is the resultant force at this time? And this question There are three common forces F1, F2 and F3 in the horizontal direction, of which F1 is 20n in the west, F2 is 50N in the East and F3 is 40n in the south. The resultant force of these three forces can be obtained by drawing method

An object is subjected to three common forces F1, F2 and F3, and their resultant force is zero. The magnitude of these three forces is 10N, 20n and 30n respectively. Now, F2 suddenly decreases to 16N. If the direction of the three forces remains unchanged, what is the resultant force at this time? And this question There are three common forces F1, F2 and F3 in the horizontal direction, of which F1 is 20n in the west, F2 is 50N in the East and F3 is 40n in the south. The resultant force of these three forces can be obtained by drawing method

1. The resultant force of F1, F2 and F3 is zero, which means that the resultant force of F1, F3 and F2 are equal in size and opposite in direction, right? Now F2 suddenly decreases to 16N, but F1, F3 remains unchanged, that is, the resultant force of F1, F3 is 20n, and the direction is opposite to F2. Now the resultant force of the object is the resultant force of F1, F3 (20n) - F2 (16N) = 4N, and the direction is the opposite of F2