(1) Given that one root of the equation x & # 178; + 3x + M = 0 is twice the other root, find the value of M. (2) given the function y = MX & # 178; + 2 (M + 1) x + m, When m is a real number, the function image and X-axis: (1) have two different common points? (2) only one common point? (3) no common point? Please write the details,

(1) Given that one root of the equation x & # 178; + 3x + M = 0 is twice the other root, find the value of M. (2) given the function y = MX & # 178; + 2 (M + 1) x + m, When m is a real number, the function image and X-axis: (1) have two different common points? (2) only one common point? (3) no common point? Please write the details,

(1) Weida's theorem: X1 + 2x1 = - 3, X1 = - 1, X2 = - 2, X1 * x2 = M = 2, if Δ > 0, then M = 2
(2) There are two different common points, f (x) = 0, two solutions, Δ > 0, m ≠ 0
There is a solution, Δ = 0 or M = 0