If the exponential function y = a ^ (X-B) passes through point (1,1), and the sum of the maximum values on X ∈ [2,3] is 6, then a + B= It's only one day 2. Given that the logarithm function y = loga (x + b) is constant over (2,0) point, find the value range of the function on X ∈ [2,3] (this problem may have problems, if not, give up first.) 3. Given that the center of symmetry of F (x) = (x + b) / (x + a) is (1,1), find the range of F (x) on X ∈ [2,3] 4. Given f (x + 2 = root 2, find the analytic expression of F (x)

If the exponential function y = a ^ (X-B) passes through point (1,1), and the sum of the maximum values on X ∈ [2,3] is 6, then a + B= It's only one day 2. Given that the logarithm function y = loga (x + b) is constant over (2,0) point, find the value range of the function on X ∈ [2,3] (this problem may have problems, if not, give up first.) 3. Given that the center of symmetry of F (x) = (x + b) / (x + a) is (1,1), find the range of F (x) on X ∈ [2,3] 4. Given f (x + 2 = root 2, find the analytic expression of F (x)

1, we know that a > 0 and a ≠ 1, because the function is over (1,1), so 1-B = 0, B = 1, ∵ x ∈ [2,3] ∵ X-B ∈ [1,2]
If a > 1, y = a ^ (X-B) increases monotonically, { ymax = A & { 178;, Ymin = A & { 185;, { A & { 178; + a = 6
The solution is a = 2 or a = - 3 (rounding off);
If 0