In all the three digit numbers, the sum of each digit is exactly 23, and how many even three digit numbers are there?

In all the three digit numbers, the sum of each digit is exactly 23, and how many even three digit numbers are there?

According to the analysis, the maximum number of each digit is 9, and the minimum number is 5; because this number is an even number of three digits, each digit can only be 6 or 8; because the sum of three digits is odd (23), one of them is even 6 or 8, and according to the parity of the three digits, the other two must be an odd and even; when the number is 6, the sum of ten and hundred digits is 23-6 = 17, 17 = 9 + 8, Therefore, there are two numbers: 986 and 896; when the individual digit is 8, the sum of ten and hundred digits is 23-8 = 115, 15 = 9 + 6 = 8 + 7, so there are four numbers: 968, 698, 878 and 788; therefore, there are two numbers: 2 + 4 = 6; a: there are six three digits