On the equation of X (M2 - 4) x & # 178; + (M + 2) x + (M + 1) y = m + 5, when m = is a one variable linear equation, when m = is a two variable linear equation

On the equation of X (M2 - 4) x & # 178; + (M + 2) x + (M + 1) y = m + 5, when m = is a one variable linear equation, when m = is a two variable linear equation

If the equation is quadratic, then the maximum degree of X and y can only be once. In other words, if the degree is not once, it should not exist
So the coefficient before x ^ 2 should be 0
So m = 2 or - 2
However, when m = - 2, 3Y = 7 becomes a linear equation with one variable, so it does not meet the condition
So eventually M = 2