The positions of the corresponding points of rational numbers a and B on the number axis are shown in the figure. Please judge whether | A-B | - | a + B | is positive or negative, and explain the reason

The positions of the corresponding points of rational numbers a and B on the number axis are shown in the figure. Please judge whether | A-B | - | a + B | is positive or negative, and explain the reason

The reason is as follows: from the graph, B < 0, a < 0, and | a | > b | > 0, there is A-B < 0, a + B < 0. According to the meaning of absolute value, it is obtained that | A-B | = B-A, | a + B | = - (a + b), the original formula = (B-A) + (a + b) = B-A + A + B = 2B < 0, so | A-B | - | a + B | is negative