Take any one of 100 integers and calculate the probability that this number can not be divided by 6 or 8

Take any one of 100 integers and calculate the probability that this number can not be divided by 6 or 8

100 △ 6 = 16 more than 4
100 ÷ 8 = 12 more than 4
The least common multiple of 6 and 8 is 24
100 △ 24 = 4 and 4
There are 16 divisible by 6
There are 12 that can be divided by 8
There are four that can be divided by 6 and 8 at the same time
Can be divided by 6 or 8, there are: 16 + 12-4 = 24
The probability of not divisible by 6 or 8 is: (100-24) △ 100 = 0.76