Analyze the logical errors in the following statements 1. What is war? War is the intermission between two wars. What is peace? Peace is the intermission between two wars 2. I love reading foreign works, English, French, classical, I love reading 3. Itching is a kind of indeterminate, indescribable and inexplicable feeling 4. A child said to his father, "I've never lied. If I ever lied, I won't tell now. If I lie now, it's because I have to." 5. Some people said: "in the trial, it is absolutely not allowed to extort a confession from any defendant, but it is not impossible to extort a confession from a very dishonest defendant." 1. Cycle definition 2. Improper concept 3. Same as repetition 4. Self contradiction 5. Self contradiction Although it's not right, you're the only one to answer. I'll give you the score

Analyze the logical errors in the following statements 1. What is war? War is the intermission between two wars. What is peace? Peace is the intermission between two wars 2. I love reading foreign works, English, French, classical, I love reading 3. Itching is a kind of indeterminate, indescribable and inexplicable feeling 4. A child said to his father, "I've never lied. If I ever lied, I won't tell now. If I lie now, it's because I have to." 5. Some people said: "in the trial, it is absolutely not allowed to extort a confession from any defendant, but it is not impossible to extort a confession from a very dishonest defendant." 1. Cycle definition 2. Improper concept 3. Same as repetition 4. Self contradiction 5. Self contradiction Although it's not right, you're the only one to answer. I'll give you the score

1. War itself is not intermission. War is mobile, not intermission. Peace cannot be equated with war. It is conditional to say intermission between two wars. If the condition is World War I and World War II, then peace can be said intermission between two wars
2. "I love reading foreign works". The mistake lies in: firstly, I didn't tell which country I belong to; secondly, "British", "French" and "classical" are different from each other, and there is no parallel relationship; thirdly, "I love reading all" is said at the end, and the condition is not consistent with the result
3. Remove the adjective from this sentence, the main point is that itching is a feeling, wrong in the difficult part. If you separate this sentence, it is: itching is a feeling of the difficult part; itching is an indescribable feeling; itching is an inexplicable feeling. So itching is a feeling of the difficult part, which is difficult to understand. At the same time, itching is an inexplicable feeling, which is not logical
4. In the front, the child said that he had never lied, and then he said, "if I ever lied, then I won't tell now", and then he said, "if I still lie now, there is a reason for it." we can infer that he once lied and will lie in the future, which means that he is wrong to say that he didn't tell a lie
5. In the front, it is said that "it is not allowed to extort a confession from any defendant during the trial", and any defendant here also includes honest and dishonest defendants. In the back, it is said that "it is not impossible to extort a confession from a very dishonest defendant", which indicates that it is possible to extort a confession from a very dishonest defendant