It is known that the ellipse C: X squared of a squared plus y squared of B squared is equal to 1, a is greater than B is greater than 0, passes through the point (0,2) and the eccentricity e is equal to two-thirds of the root sign 2. Find the equation of the ellipse

It is known that the ellipse C: X squared of a squared plus y squared of B squared is equal to 1, a is greater than B is greater than 0, passes through the point (0,2) and the eccentricity e is equal to two-thirds of the root sign 2. Find the equation of the ellipse

C: In this paper, we are going to get the focus on the ellipsec point (0,2) on the x-axis (x-axis) of the ellipse C (0,2), and then B = 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\178 / 8 + Y & # 178; / 4 = 1