Let f (x) have a first order continuous derivative, f (0) = 0, f ′ (0) ≠ 0, f (x) = ∫ x0 (x2 − T2) f (T) DT. When x → 0, f ′ (x) and XK are infinitesimals of the same order, and the constant k is obtained

Let f (x) have a first order continuous derivative, f (0) = 0, f ′ (0) ≠ 0, f (x) = ∫ x0 (x2 − T2) f (T) DT. When x → 0, f ′ (x) and XK are infinitesimals of the same order, and the constant k is obtained

Because f (x) = (f (x) = 874787478747874787478747874787478747874787478747\\\8747\8747\\\\\\\\\\\8747\\\\\\\8747\\\\\\\\\\\\\(0) x − 0 = f ′ (0), ∫ x0f (T) DT is the infinitesimal of the same order of X2, f (x) = 2x ∫ x0f (T) DT is the infinitesimal of the same order of X3, that is, k = 3