Just how many natural numbers are there that have a number 6 and can be divided by 3 and no more than 2009? Does one mean "only one" or "at least one"?

Just how many natural numbers are there that have a number 6 and can be divided by 3 and no more than 2009? Does one mean "only one" or "at least one"?

Because 2006 can't be divided by 3, there is no such number from 2000 to 2009. Consider the 2000 numbers from 0 to 1999, those with less than 4 digits should be supplemented with 0 in the front, that is: 0000, 0001, 0002 19996 can not appear in the first place, the first place is 1000 numbers beginning with 0, and the first place is 1000 numbers beginning with 1