How many numbers can be selected at most from the 2011 natural numbers 1-2011, so that the sum of any two numbers can not be integer by 22

How many numbers can be selected at most from the 2011 natural numbers 1-2011, so that the sum of any two numbers can not be integer by 22

(a + b) △ 22 = a △ 22 + B △ 22 = c... DD is not equal to 0. The problem is to find out how many natural numbers 1-2011 can't be divisible by 22, and how many numbers can't be divisible by 22. In other words, find out how many numbers 22 × 1 = 2222 × 2 = 44... 22 × 91 = 200222 × 92 = 2024, which is greater than 2011