Class A, class B and class C donated books to the hope project. It is known that one person in class a donated 6 books, two people donated 7 books each, and the others donated 11 books each; one person in class B donated 6 books, three people donated 8 books each, and the others donated 10 books each; two people in class C donated 4 books each, six people donated 7 books each, and the others donated 9 books each How many students are there in each of the three classes?

Class A, class B and class C donated books to the hope project. It is known that one person in class a donated 6 books, two people donated 7 books each, and the others donated 11 books each; one person in class B donated 6 books, three people donated 8 books each, and the others donated 10 books each; two people in class C donated 4 books each, six people donated 7 books each, and the others donated 9 books each How many students are there in each of the three classes?

Class a donates 28 + 101 = 129 more books than class C. then class a donates between 400 + 129 = 529 and 550 books 3, that is, class A is more than 46 + 3 = 49, (550-20) △ 11 = 48 If there are 50 students in class A, then class a donates 6 + 7 + 7 + 11 × (50-3) = 537 (Books), and class B donates 537-28 = 509 (Books), (509-6-8 × 3) × 10 = 47910 (Books), so class a donates 51 students, and class A donates 20 + (51-3) × 11 = 548 (Books), (548-28-6-3 × 8) A: there are 51 people in class A, 53 people in class B and 49 people in class C