How much wood should be cut off from a cylinder with a bottom circumference of 12.56 decimeters and a height of 6 decimeters into the largest cone

How much wood should be cut off from a cylinder with a bottom circumference of 12.56 decimeters and a height of 6 decimeters into the largest cone

Radius of bottom circle: 12.56 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 2cm
So the volume of the cylinder: 3.14 * 2 & # 178; * 6 = 75.36 cubic centimeter
Volume of cone: 3.14 * 2 & # 178; * 6 * 1 / 3 = 25.12 cm3
So the volume to be cut is: 75.36-25.12 = 50.24