The volume difference between a cylinder and a cone is 12.56 cubic centimeter The volume difference between a cylinder and a cone is 12.56 cubic centimeters. If the radius of the bottom of the cone is 2 centimeters, what is the height of the cone?

The volume difference between a cylinder and a cone is 12.56 cubic centimeter The volume difference between a cylinder and a cone is 12.56 cubic centimeters. If the radius of the bottom of the cone is 2 centimeters, what is the height of the cone?

When the bottom and height are equal, the volume of the cylinder is three times that of the cone, and the difference is two times that of the cone
Cone volume 12.56 △ 2 = 6.28
Height of cone 6.28x3 ^ (2x2x3.14)
= 1.5cm