A cylinder and a cone have the same base and height, and the sum of their volumes is 12.56 cubic centimeters. The volume of a cylinder is () cubic centimeters? Explain each step A cylinder and a cone have the same base and height. The sum of their volumes is 12.56 cubic centimeters. The volume of a cylinder is () cubic centimeters? What do you mean by 12.56 △ 1 + 3) × 3, 12.56 △ 1 + 3

A cylinder and a cone have the same base and height, and the sum of their volumes is 12.56 cubic centimeters. The volume of a cylinder is () cubic centimeters? Explain each step A cylinder and a cone have the same base and height. The sum of their volumes is 12.56 cubic centimeters. The volume of a cylinder is () cubic centimeters? What do you mean by 12.56 △ 1 + 3) × 3, 12.56 △ 1 + 3

Because they have equal base and height, the cylinder is three times of the cone, and the cylinder (three times) + cone (one time) = four times,
Let's use their volume sum and their multiples sum = one, because the cone is one,
Volume of cone: 12.56 (3 + 1) = 3.14,
A cylinder is three times as large as a cone. The number of cones X3 = the number of cylinders,
14x3 = 9.42, or 12.56 ÷ (3 + 1) X3 = 9.42
A: the volume of a cone is 3.14 cubic centimeter, that of a cylinder is 9.42 cubic centimeter, and that of a cylinder is (9.42) cubic centimeter
Hope to adopt!