How to convert a liter into a ton The expert helped me to calculate the number of tons of 221.134 l diesel and 212.438 l gasoline

How to convert a liter into a ton The expert helped me to calculate the number of tons of 221.134 l diesel and 212.438 l gasoline

The density of diesel is 0.78-0.82, which is calculated according to 0.80; the density of gasoline is 0.66-0.75, which is calculated according to 0.7, which is 212.438 * 0.7 = 148.7066kg = 0.1487066t

Four calculation questions 7 / 9 + 4 / 11 - (4 / 9-7 / 11) (7 / 18 + 5 / 27) * 9 / 35 97 / 100 * 99 255 / 255255 / 256
255 / 255255/256

For the sake of viewing, I separate the scores with spaces
7 / 9 + 4 / 11 - 4 / 9 + 7 / 11 = 3 / 9 + 11 / 11 (1) = 4 / 3
(7/18 * 9/35)+(5/27 * 9/35)=1/10 + 1/21=31/210
0.97 * 99=0.97 * (100-1)=97 - 0.97=96.03
1 / 1001 divided by 256 = 1 / 1001 * 1 / 256 = 1 / 256 * 1001 = 1 / 256256
Oh, my God, it's hard to do math on the Internet

How to solve the largest natural number with only three divisors within 1000

There are only three divisors, one is 1, the other is itself, and there is also a divisor, which means that it must be a complete square
It's 961

-X ^ 3-3x ^ 2 + 9x-1 = - 77 find the value of X

X ^ 2 + 7x + 19 = 0 no solution
So x = 4

A simple method to calculate 24 times 7 of minus 25
Please. The great God answers!

Solution (- 24 / 25) * 7
=-6 and 18 / 25

LIM (n-infinity) nsin (n π)

LIM (n-infinity) nsin (n π)
When n -- > ∞,
Sin (n π) is a bounded variable in π [- 1,1]
N is an infinite number
There is no limit of ∧ nsin (n π)

Solving equation 55% X - (0.25 + 0.6) = 0.63x + 50% (30-x) = 35


The simple operation of 1 / 12 + 9 / 20 - 1 / 30 - 13 / 42 + 1 / 56


F1 and F2 are the left and right focal points of hyperbola C: x2 / a2-y2 / B2 = 1 (a, b > 0), B is the end point of imaginary axis, the two asymptotes of line F1B and C intersect at P and Q respectively, and the vertical bisector of line PQ intersects with X axis at M. if the absolute value of MF2 = the absolute value of F1F2, then the eccentricity of C is?

If the solution set of inequality system x + 9m-1 is x > 2, then the value range of X is

System of inequalities x + 98
Because the solution set is x > 2,
The same big takes the big
So M-1 ≤ 2