Conversion from liter to ton 29420 liters of gasoline, using 0.71 density, converted into tons, how many tons?

Conversion from liter to ton 29420 liters of gasoline, using 0.71 density, converted into tons, how many tons?

Then multiply by density
The unit of value is kg
Divide by 1000
That's it
You have to press the calculator yourself
Adopt (⊙ o ⊙) Oh
Don't forget=

How to convert a liter into a ton

Liter is the unit of capacity or volume, ton is the unit of mass or weight

How many tons is a cubic meter of hydrogen equivalent to? It is better to give the calculation formula

Under standard conditions,
Mass of gas = molar mass of gas × volume of gas (L) / 22.4 L / mol
In this problem, gas volume = 1000 l, molar mass of hydrogen = 2 g / mol
Mass of one cubic meter of hydrogen = 2 × 1000 / 22.4 = 89.30 g = 8.930 × 10-5 t

How many tons is a cubic meter? What's the formula
I'll take the formula. OK, I'll add points

Cubic meter is the unit of volume, ton is the unit of weight. How many tons a cubic meter is equal to depends on the density of the object. Theoretically, weight = density * volume, but pay attention to the unit when calculating

126 cm equals () m, 45 ml equals () l, and 9.42 kg equals () g

126 cm is equal to (1.26) m, 45 ml is equal to (0.045) l, and 9.42 kg is equal to (9420) g

The tangent equation of square of circle x + square of y-4x at point P (1, √ 3) is
As soon as possible

The circular equation is wrong. There may be a = 0 after it
(X-2) ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 4, the center of the circle is 2, 0, and the radius is 2
The slope connecting the center of the circle and P Po is root three / (1-2) = negative root three
Then the tangent slope is one-third of the root, y = one-third of the root three X + two-thirds of the root three

If the polynomial 39x & # 178; - 7X-22 can be factorized into (AX + b) (Cx + D), where a, B, C and D are integers
Then the value of | a + B + C + D |


In the human body, blood accounts for about 1 / 13, and the blood contains 2 / 3 water. Qiangqiang's weight is 52kg, and his blood contains

Weight of water?
1 / 13 * 2 / 3 * 52 = 8 / 3kg

If f (x) = {f (x + 2) (x equals 2)
(x > equals 2) is under the braces


One and three fifths of a number is 6.4. What is the number

Let this number be X
1 has 3 / 5x = 6.4