450 times 33000 is less

450 times 33000 is less

fourteen million eight hundred and fifty thousand

My mother said to me, "I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. You have to take care of yourself these days."

Your mother asked me to tell you that tomorrow she will go on a business trip, and you will take care of yourself these days

English translation
The Slovaks want todemonstrate their value as allies in the German cause and their effort mightjust make the difference should things develop other than as expected

As a noun, cause has the following meanings
Something, person, etc that causes something to happen
(for sth)
Aim, principle or movement that is strongly defended or supported
A good cause, ie one that serves to be supported
Eg: a charity
He fought for the republican cause in the civil war.
He was in the civil war
4. Problems or causes of litigation:
I think the third meaning is more appropriate in words and sentences

A equals 2 * 3 * 5, B equals 2 * 5 * 7, what is the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of a and B

The greatest common divisor is the prime factor of both
It's 2 × 5 = 10
The least common multiple is used to remove all prime factors that do not repeat each other
It's 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 = 210

A cuboid container is 45 cm in length and 10 cm in width. The height of the water inside is 8 cm. Pour the water into a cuboid container with 60 cm in edge length. How high is the water surface?

45 × 10 × 8 ÷ (60 × 60) = 3600 / 3600 = 1 (CM) a: the height of water surface is 1 cm

Decomposition quality factor 65 37 59 120 111

37 is prime
59 is a prime
I'm going to forget

The area of a rectangle is 98.7 square meters. If the length of the rectangle is increased by three times and the width by five times, how many square meters will the area be increased?
I can't thank you enough!

Area increase = 98.7 × 3 × 5-98.7 = 1381.8 square meters

According to the way of expression, which kinds of poems can be classified

1. Classification of poetry
The Chinese nation is an ancient nation. China is an ancient oriental civilization country with a long history. Chinese literature, with its special content, form and style, has formed its own characteristics, and runs with the literature of other nations in the world
Poetry is one of the earliest art forms in Chinese literature, and also the most fully developed genre in Chinese literature. Ancient poetry is a wonderful flower of Chinese literary heritage. Tracing back to the development of Chinese poetry, it has a long history
However, due to the different themes of poetry, the expression of thoughts and feelings will be different, and the way of expression and lyric will also be different. Therefore, to appreciate the ancient poetry well, we must have a clear understanding of the classification of themes, and be able to make an accurate judgment of specific Poetry
1. Love poems are poems about love (including mourning), also known as "love songs" and "boudoir poems". Since the book of songs, love poems have a long history, mainly describing the love and love life of men and women, Such as "Jianjia", "faraway Altair", "Untitled" ("it's hard to see each other" Li Shangyin), "Queqiao Fairy" ("Xian Yun Nongqiao" Qin Guan), etc
2. Satirical Poetry is a kind of poetry which reveals the darkness and coldness of society and expresses the voice of the people or upright people by means of satire or persuasion. It is also called "allegorical poetry" and sometimes "political Satirical Poetry". Satirical Poetry also has a long history, From the book of songs until modern times, it has never disappeared. For example, Shuo Mo, FA Tan, Feng (Luo Yin of Tang Dynasty), Ti Lin'an di (Lin Sheng of Southern Song Dynasty), Zui Taiping (anonymous of Yuan Dynasty), etc, In addition, although some poems are not philosophical, some of them are full of Philosophy (such as "mountains are heavy and rivers are complex, there is no way out, willows are dark and flowers are bright, there is another village", "green mountains can't be covered, after all, they flow to the East" and so on)
3. Farewell poems, one of the earliest and most common themes, mainly express parting feelings and hate, or to encourage and encourage, or to express deep friendship, or to express the sorrow of parting, Therefore, it is also called "landscape farewell poetry", such as "farewell to Du Shaofu's appointment in Shuchuan" (Wang Bo), "farewell to Meng Haoran's Guangling" (Li Bai), "farewell to Dong Daer" (Gao Shi), etc
This kind of poetry can not be separated from the description of landscape scenery, so it is also called "landscape poetry". This kind of poetry is slightly different from the pure landscape poetry, which is mainly based on the lyric. For example, Du Fu's "travel night to express his feelings" and Ma Zhiyuan's "Autumn Thoughts" can not be regarded as landscape poetry
5. Frontier fortress poetry is to describe the scenery of the frontier fortress, There are many famous frontier poets in Tang Dynasty, such as Gao Shi, cen Shen, Wang Changling, Wang Zhihuan, Li Qi, etc, They are all well-known masterpieces
6. Epic poetry is a kind of poetry with the theme of chanting or commenting on historical stories and historical figures to express feelings and satirize current events. Generally speaking, it narrates first and then discusses. There are also some poems that only narrate and contrast without discussion to make readers think. The poems with the theme of chanting history take Ban Gu's chanting history and Zuo Si's eight poems of chanting history as early famous masterpieces, There are more epics, such as burning Book pit by Zhang Jie, Jia Sheng by Li Shangyin, Ti Wujiang Pavilion by Du Mu (Wang Anshi once played a different tune with him), and Jing Wuwen yuan by Wen Tingyun
This kind of poetry has appeared in the pre Qin and Han Dynasties, After the Tang Dynasty, there were more and more excellent works, such as Wang Wei's Acacia, Li Bai's egret, Du Fu's return to wild goose, Lu You's augury operator · Yongmei, Yu Qian's Shihui Yin, Wang Mian's momei and so on, all of which expressed their minds through natural things
This is a poem with the theme of chanting personal ambition and reflecting or satirizing the society. Metaphor, symbolism and association are its main techniques. The poem also comes from the book of songs, It is one of the most important ancient poems. For example, Qu Yuan's Lisao and wading across the river, Li Bai's difficult journey and going to drink, Chen Zi'ang's song of climbing Youzhou, Su Shi's dingfengbo · encounter in Shahu Road, Lu You's Shufen and so on are all touching masterpieces
9. Nostalgic poems. Nostalgic poems can be classified into nostalgic poems, but they have unique characteristics. Nostalgic poems are slightly different from historical poems. Nostalgic poems express emotions and aspirations when they are in historic sites, while historical poems do not have to go to historical sites, Ancient poems such as Du Fu's Shu Xiang, Liu Yuxi's Wuyi lane, stone city, Li Bai's dengjinling Phoenix Terrace, Su Shi's niannujiao · Chibi nostalgia, Xin Qiji's yongyule · beiguting nostalgia in Jingkou, Zhang yanghao's hillside sheep · Tongguan nostalgia, and so on, have a lasting influence
10. Landscape poems and pastoral poems are not introduced because they are well known to readers. In addition, there are poems with paintings, poems with palace grievances, poems without titles, etc. because their themes are compatible with other themes, or should be determined according to the content of the poems, they will not be repeated

How many zeros are there at the end of 99.9 (1988 9) * 99.9 (1988 9) + 199.9 (1988 9)?

Put 99 9 is regarded as an a. the original formula is reduced to 1988 power of a * a + 10 + A, and further reduced to 1988 power of a * (a + 1) + 10. The result of a + 1 is 1988 power of 10. The above formula becomes 1988 power of a * 10 + 10, that is, 1988 power of (a + 1) * 10. The result is multiplication of 1988 power of two 10, 1988 * 2 = 3976, so there are 3976 zeros

How much is 1000 grams

Correct answer: 2 jin
500 g = 1 jin
1000 g = 2 kg
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