One table and four legs are needed to make a table. 20 tables can be made from 1m3 wood, or 400 legs can be made from 12m3 wood. How can we plan to use materials to make as many tables as possible?

One table and four legs are needed to make a table. 20 tables can be made from 1m3 wood, or 400 legs can be made from 12m3 wood. How can we plan to use materials to make as many tables as possible?

If x tables are made, the material of the table top is 120xm3, and the wood of the legs is (4 × 1400x) m3. From the meaning of the question, we get 120x + 4 × 1400x = 12, and the solution is x = 200. Then 120x = 120 × 200 = 10 (M3) 12-10 = 2 (M3). A: we can make as many tables as possible by using 10m3 wood as the table top and 2m3 wood as the legs

One table and four legs are needed to make a table. 20 tables can be made from 1m3 wood, or 400 legs can be made from 12m3 wood. How can we plan to use materials to make as many tables as possible?

If x tables are made, the material of the table top is 120xm3, and the wood of the legs is (4 × 1400x) m3. From the meaning of the question, we get 120x + 4 × 1400x = 12, and the solution is x = 200. Then 120x = 120 × 200 = 10 (M3) 12-10 = 2 (M3). A: we can make as many tables as possible by using 10m3 wood as the table top and 2m3 wood as the legs

A square table is composed of one table top and four legs. 50 square tables can be made from 1 cubic meter of wood
A square table is composed of one table top and four legs. One cubic meter of wood can be used to make 50 table tops or 300 legs. There are five cubic meters of wood. Please design how much wood to make the table top and how many legs to make the square table?

Let x cubic meters be the surface and 5-x cubic meters be the legs
So 3M & sup 3; wood is used as face and 2m & sup 3; wood is used as leg

Five minus three fourths minus eight times minus two equals five

Five minus three quarters minus eight times minus two

English translation

I don't have a lot of books on my desk.
There are not a lot of books on my desk.

The actual distance of 1000 meters is shown in 5cm on the map, and the scale of this map is

5cm: 1000m = 5:100000 = 1:20000

What's 1 in 25 times 100 in 100

1 in 25

The son said, "I know dad will be with me."

The son said he knew his father would be with him

The grass is not always greener
"The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence."That's an old saying in English.It means that other places often look better,more interesting than the place where you live.Some people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel that way.They see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and,instead,buying Japanese carton books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating western holidays.

"The grass on the other side of the fence looks greener" is an old English proverb. It means that other places always look better and more interesting than the places where they live. Some people worry that Chinese young people begin to think so. People see Chinese young people ignore Chinese culture, buy Japanese cartoon books, watch Korean soap operas and even celebrate western festivals

Why is 12 out of 13 times 13 out of 12 equal to 1?
My foundation is very poor, teach me

The reciprocal product of two numbers is one