How many meters is seven feet

How many meters is seven feet

2m 10

461 square feet, unit price 35 yuan. How much is converted into square meters, unit price is how much

The unit price is 315 yuan / m2

How to convert the square meter used in the process of selling houses in Singapore to our square meter?

This "ruler" should be "foot", 1 foot = 30.48 cm, so 1 square foot = 0.0929 square meter

Square foot conversion
A square object, width x depth x height, 4150 * 600 * 850mm, square feet and square meters

Surface area of cuboid = 2 * (4150 * 600 + 4150 * 850 + 600 * 850) = 2 * (2490000 + 3527500 + 552500)
Surface area of cuboid = 13140000mm ^ 2 = 13.14M ^ 2
1m = 3 feet;
1m ^ 2 = 9 square feet
The surface area of the cuboid is 13140000 mm ^ 2 = 13.14 m ^ 2 = 118.26 square feet

Calculus for vectors
When I was looking at theoretical mechanics, I mentioned that the vector r.dr = 1 / 2D (R.R) vector can also be like this. Why
After it is transformed into the form of right end, 1 / 2D (R.R) = RDR is derived by inner product, where R is a position vector and R is size, so r.dr = r.dr. But if the left side is regarded as the inner product, it is very difficult to come to this conclusion. The key is the transformation r.dr = 1 / 2D (R.R) in the middle, which integrates the potential vector as a variable. Is that ok
I still don't understand what you said. R represents the size of vector. How to do variable substitution

R.dr = r.dr is actually a variable substitution, let r = (R1,..., RN), such a transformation changes the independent variable from R1,..., RN to R, so it is right

Father's dilemma does' father 'accept' son's point of view
Paul's game depends on whether he wins or loses
Text basis

Yes. The former director of Education said!

Sum Sn = 2 & # 178 / / 1.3 + 4 & # 178 / / 3.5 +... + (2n) & # 178; / (2n-1) (2n + 1)

Let an = (2n) ² / (2n-1) (2n + 1)
=(1/2)*{1/[1+(1/2n)] + 1/[1-(1/2n)]}
=(1/2)*[2n/(2n+1) + 2n/(2n-1)]
=1 + (1/2)*[1/(2n-1) - 1/(2n+1)]
=1*n + (1/2)*[(1/1-1/3)+(1/3 - 1/5)+(1/5 - 1/7)+.+1/(2n-1) - 1/(2n+1)]
=n + (1/2)*[1 - 1/(2n+1) ]

What is the product of a matrix
How to multiply the product of matrix? When does it exist? How to get the result? Please answer from the easy
For example, the first matrix has two columns and three rows, and the second matrix has two columns and two rows,

The definition of matrix product comes from linear transformation. It's hard to explain why it's so defined But the specific steps of matrix multiplication are as follows:
Results the (I, J) (in the i-th row and j-th column) element of the matrix is the column vector of the j-th column of the multiplication matrix
The inner product of a vector is defined as follows:
That is to say, let the multiplied matrix A (m × K) = a (I, J), that is, the matrix A is a matrix with M rows and K columns, and the elements of the i-th row and j column of the matrix are represented by a (I, J); the multiplier matrix B (K × n) = B (I, J); then the product C (m × n) = C (I, J)
It can be seen that the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of matrix product is that the number of columns of the multiplied matrix is equal to the number of rows of the multiplier matrix
give an example:
Matrix A (3 × 2)=【

(the semicolon is the line separator, the comma is the element separator, and AIJ represents the j elements in the i-th line)
Matrix B (2 × 2)=【

Product C (3 × 2)=【

Class 61 went boating in the park. If there were five people in one boat, three people didn't get on the boat. If there were six people in each boat, there were five more seats in one boat. Question: how many boats did you rent, how many people were there in the class? (solution of a series of equations)

If x ships are chartered, the number of people is 5x + 3 or 6x-5 & nbsp; 5x + 3 = 6x-56x-5x = 3 + 5 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 85x + 3 = 43 A: eight ships are chartered, and there are 43 people in the class

The limit of (TaNx SiNx) / Sin & ³ x
When x tends to zero

By using the Equivalent Infinitesimal Substitution, when x → 0, TaNx SiNx ~ x & # 179; / 2, Sin & # 179; X ~ x & # 179;, so LIM (x → 0) (TaNx SiNx) / Sin & # 179; X = LIM (x → 0) x & # 179; / (2x & # 179;) = 1 / 2