How many meters is seven feet five inches?

How many meters is seven feet five inches?

5 M 7 cm = {} M

1 m = 10 decimeters = 100 cm
5 M 7 cm = 5.07 M

It is known that 7 ^ 24 - 1 can be divided by two numbers between 40 and 50 (excluding 50)
It is known that 7 ^ 24-1 can be divided by two integers between 40 and 50 (excluding 50), and these two integers can be calculated.
Let's have a little more knowledge~

7^24 - 1
= (7^12 + 1)(7^12 - 1)
= (7^12 + 1)(7^6 + 1)(7^6 - 1)
= (7^12 + 1)(7^6 + 1)(7^3 + 1)(7^3 - 1)
= (7^12 + 1)(7^6 + 1)(7^3 + 1)(7^3 - 1)
7^3 + 1 = (7 + 1)(7² - 7 + 1 ) = 8 * 43
7^3 - 1 = (7 - 1)(7² + 7 + 1 ) = 6 * 57
Obviously, the factor between 40 and 50 in this number is 43 and 57

How can four zeros be concatenated, equal to 24?

1. Combining the first 0 with the second 0 is 8
2. Combining the third and the fourth is 8
3. Split one of the 8 in half to make it 3
4, use the remaining one 8 * 3 = 24
I remember someone said factorial operation:
(0!+ 0!+ 0!+ 0!)!
= 4!
= 1*2*3*4
= 24

A, may be negative B, must be positive C, must be negative D, must be non negative

D. It must be non negative

Naughty read a story book, the first day read two seventh of the whole book, the second day read two ninth of the whole book, how much are you reading

1 - (2 / 7 plus 2 / 9)
=63 out of 63 minus 32 out of 60
=31 / 63
A: 60 is 31

If the circumference of the isosceles triangle is 30cm and the waist is 3cm longer than the bottom, the length of the bottom is?
Such as the title

Suppose waist length x, then base length x-3 2x + (x-3) = 30, x = 11, x-3 = 8

It is known that it takes 4 hours for passenger cars to complete the whole journey and 3 hours for freight cars to complete the whole journey
How many kilometers are there between a and B

Speed ratio of passenger car to freight car
When they met, the truck drove 4 / (3 + 4) = 4 / 7 of the whole journey
The distance between a and B
=560 (km)

How much is the minus one fifth power of 2014 multiplied by the fifth power of 2015!

It's five
(-1/5)^2014 · 5^2015
= [(-1/5)·5]^2014 · 5
= (-1)^2014 · 5
= 5

Four small cars and five big cars transport 27 tons at a time, six small cars and ten big cars transport 51 tons at a time. How many tons do each small car and big car transport each time?,

Each trolley transports x tons and each cart transports y tons
4X+5Y=27 (1)
6X+10Y=51 (2)
Bring x = 1.5 into (1)