How many meters * how many meters * how many meters * how many meters (wood)

How many meters * how many meters * how many meters * how many meters (wood)

It's one meter in length, width and height
The volume algorithm is the same for everything

Wood conversion: how many square meters of wood is 6 meters long and 24 cm in diameter?
20 pieces of wood are 6 meters long. How many square meters of wood is 24 cm in diameter?

24cm = 0.24M
Radius = 0.12M
=5.42592m2 [i.e. 5.42592m3]

Simple calculation: one and three - 7 / 12 + 9 / 20-11 / 30 = 13 / 42-15 / 56

One and three - 7 / 12 + 9 / 20-11 / 30 + 13 / 42-15 / 56

High school mathematics (conic) urgent yo!
Point a (- 2,0), B (2,0), the moving point P satisfies ∠ APB = 2A, and the square of | PA | * | Pb | * (Sina) = 2
The locus of point P is Q, and the line L passing through point B intersects the locus at two points m and N. let's ask whether there is a point C on the x-axis, so that the vector cm multiplied by the vector cn is a constant. If it exists, find it and do not exist, and explain the reason

Point a (- 2,0), B (2,0), the moving point P satisfies ∠ APB = 2A, and | PA | * | Pb | Sin & sup2; α = 2, the locus of point P is Q, and the line L passing through point B intersects the locus at M and N. let's ask whether there is a point C on the x-axis, so that the vector cm multiplied by the vector cn is a constant, exists, finds it, does not exist, and explains the reason
Let the coordinates of the moving point p be (x, y), then the vector PA = (x + 2, y) and the vector Pb = (X-2, y)
│PA│=√[(x+2)²+y²], │PB│=√[(x-2)²+y²]
Therefore, there are │ PA │ Pb │ - PA │ Pb │ Cos2 α = │ PA │ Pb │ - PA and # 8226; Pb
The root sign of the square on both sides is removed, and the trajectory equation of P is simplified as: X & sup2 / 2-y & sup2 / 4 = 1
That is, 2x & sup2; - Y & sup2; = 4. (1)
This is a hyperbola with a = √ 2, B = 2, C = √ 6, e = √ 3, and the focus is on the x-axis
Let C (m, 0), the linear equation passing through C be y = K (x-m)
The intersection points of straight line and hyperbola are m (X &;, Y &;), n (X &;, Y &;)
Vector cm = (X &; - m, Y &;); vector CN = (X &; - m, Y &;)
=(M & sup2; K & sup2; + 4) / (K & sup2; - 2) - 2m & sup2; K & sup2; / (K & sup2; - 2) + M & sup2; + (1-2m & sup2;) / (K & sup2; - 2) = (5-4m & sup2;) / (K & sup2; - 2) = constant
So m = ± (√ 5) / 2
That is, there is a point C (± (√ 5) / 2,0) such that CM &; CN = 0

The solution set of inequality system x + 9m + 1 is x > 2, and the value of M is the range


346dm = fraction m 37ml = fraction l 15g = fraction kg

346dm is equal to 346m in 10
37ml = 37l / 1000
15g = 15kg / 1000

Given circle C: xsquare + ysquare - 4x - 5 = 0.1: through the point (5,1) as the tangent of circle C, find the tangent equation

Circle C (X-2) ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 9,
Center C (2,0),
P (5,1), PC slope of straight line: k = (1-0) / (5-2) = 1 / 3,
The slope of the tangent line is - 3, then p (5,1),
The tangent equation:
That is 3x + Y-15 = 0

Find the value of polynomial 3-2xy + 2x & # 178; y + 6xy-4yx & # 178; where x = - 1, y = - 2


Wang Zhuang's weight is 39 kg. How many kg does his blood contain?

39 × 113 × 23 = 2 (kg) a: his blood contains about 2 kg of water

Given the function f (x) = 2x-1, then the solution set of F [f (x)] ≥ 1 is______ .

F [f (x)] = 2F (x) - 1 = 2 (2x-1) - 1 = 4x-3 ≥ 1, | 4x ≥ 4, X ≥ 1, so the solution set of F [f (x)] ≥ 1 is {x | x ≥ 1}. So the answer is: {x | x ≥ 1}