What's the conversion rate of ten thousand meters into centimeters

What's the conversion rate of ten thousand meters into centimeters

"10000 km = 10000 km = 10000000 M = 100000000 cm

How much is 40 inches converted into square meters?
For example, each 40 inch TV set costs 20000 yuan. I need to lay many sets. How do you calculate the unit price per square meter?
Please add the formula. Thank you

Generally speaking, the size of a TV set is measured by the diagonal length of the screen. We usually refer to 29 inches, 34 inches and so on
According to the standard of 1 inch = 2.5399998 cm (we calculate by 2.54 here),
We can get the following table:
14 inches = 35.56 cm
15 inches = 38.1 cm
17 inches = 43.18 cm
20 inches = 50.8 cm
21 inches = 53.34 cm
25 inches = 63.5 cm
29 inches = 73.66 cm
30 inches = 76.2 cm
34 in = 86.36 cm
42 inches = 106.68 cm
43 inches = 109.22 cm
45 inches = 114.3 cm
50 inches = 127 cm
55 in = 139.7 cm
60 in = 152.4 cm
70 inches = 177.8 cm
100 in = 254 cm
In the table above, we often see the sizes of TV sets. However, there are many kinds of TV sets on the market, and there are many strange sizes, such as Changhong and 38 inch rear projection. The calculation method is the same as above. However, the nominal number in some color TV models is not necessarily the size of the TV set, so we need to pay attention to it, Considering that different brands of TV have different shell sizes, we need to make a reasonable judgment according to the actual situation
The size conversion formula of TV set is as follows:
(diagonal size * 2.54) ^ 2 = (4x) ^ 2 + (3x) ^ 2 or (diagonal size * 2.54) ^ 2 = (16x) ^ 2 + (9x) ^ 2
The length of the 14 inch diagonal is 35.56 cm, the length of the long side is 28.44 cm, the length of the short side is 21.33 cm, and the length width ratio is 4:3;
The length of the 17 inch diagonal is 43.18 cm, the length of the long side is 34.52 cm, the length of the short side is 25.89 cm, and the length width ratio is 4:3;
The length of the 19 inch diagonal is 48.26 cm, the length of the long side is 38.16 cm, the length of the short side is 28.62 cm, and the length width ratio is 4:3;
The length of the 21 inch diagonal is 53.34 cm, the length of the long side is 42.64 cm, the length of the short side is 31.98 cm, and the length width ratio is 4:3;
The length of the 25 inch diagonal is 63.50 cm, the length of the long side is 50.80 cm, the length of the short side is 38.10 cm, and the length width ratio is 4:3;
The length of the 29 inch diagonal is 73.66 cm, the length of the long side is 58.92 cm, the length of the short side is 44.19 cm, and the ratio of length to width is 4:3;
The length of the 34 inch diagonal is 86.36 cm, the length of the long side is 69.08 cm, the length of the short side is 51.81 cm, and the ratio of length to width is 4:3;
The 37 Inch diagonal is 93.98 cm long, with two aspect ratios, 16:9 And 4:3
16: The length of the long side of 9 is 81.76 cm and the length of the short side is 45.99 cm;
4: The length of the long side is 75.16 cm and that of the short side is 56.37 cm;
The 40 inch diagonal is 101.60 cm long and has two aspect ratios, 16:9 And 4:3
16: The length of the long side of 9 is 88.48 cm and the length of the short side is 49.77 cm;
4: The length of the long side is 81.28 cm and that of the short side is 60.96 cm;
The 42 inch diagonal is 106.68 cm long, and the aspect ratio is 16:9 And 4:3
16: The length of the long side of 9 is 92.96 cm and that of the short side is 52.29 cm;
4: The length of the long side is 85.32 cm and the length of the short side is 63.99 cm;
The 45 inch diagonal is 114.30 cm long, with two aspect ratios, 16:9 And 4:3
16: The length of the long side of 9 is 99.52 cm, and the length of the short side is 55.98 cm;
4: The length of the long side is 91.44 cm and that of the short side is 68.58 cm;
The 47 inch diagonal is 119.38 cm long, with two aspect ratios, 16:9 And 4:3
16: The long side of 9 is 104 cm long and the short side is 58.50 cm long;
4: The length of the long side is 95.48 cm and that of the short side is 71.61 cm;
The 49 inch diagonal is 124.46 cm long and has two aspect ratios, 16:9 And 4:3
16: The length of the long side of 9 is 108.48 cm and that of the short side is 61.02 cm;
4: The long side of 3 is 99.56 cm long and the short side is 74.67 cm long

How to convert rice into Li

Huali = 500 meters (m) 1 meters (m) = 0.002 Huali learn the knowledge of measurement units, as well as the precise conversion between similar units, you can refer to this utility software: smart measurement unit converter, there are four categories of length, area, volume, weight, a total of 95 degrees

Find 10 Mathematical Olympiad questions about percentage

1. Master Wang plans to make a batch of parts. On the first day, he makes 4 / 7 of the plan, and on the second day, he makes the remaining 60%. At this time, there are still 42 parts left. How many parts does he plan to make?
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3. A bottle of oil takes 15 for the first time, and the remaining 75% for the second time. At this time, there is still 1 / 5kg in the bottle. How many kg of oil is there in this bottle?
4. 37.5% of the students in a primary school are boys, 328 less than girls. How many students are there in the primary school?
5. It takes Li Hua two days to get from city a to city B by car. On the first day, he walked 50% and 72 kilometers of the whole journey. On the second day, he walked 1 / 3 of the distance of the first day. How long is the distance between city a and city B
6. A bookshelf is divided into upper and lower layers. There are 50 books on the upper layer. The books on the upper layer are put into the lower layer. At this time, the number of 20% books on the lower layer is 20% more than that on the upper layer. How many books are there on the lower layer?
7. Qingfeng fruit store brought back a batch of fruits, which were sold out in three days. The first day they sold 240 kg, the second day they sold the remaining 40%, and the third day they sold half of them?
8. The total cost of a and B is 600 yuan. The price of a and B is 40% and 30% respectively. The total profit is 220 yuan?
9. Because a commodity is unsalable, it has to be sold at a lower price. If you give a 20% discount, you will lose 240 yuan. If you give a 10% discount, you will make a profit of 180 yuan. What is the purchase price of this commodity?
10. When a store returns 800 ballpoint pens with the original price of 0.6 yuan, the price is set at 50% of the profit. When 80% of the ballpoint pens are sold out, the rest will be sold out at a 70% discount. How much is the total profit of the store?

In ladder ABCD, AD / / BC, diagonal AC is perpendicular to BD. if AC is equal to 5cm and BD is equal to 12cm, what is the median line length of the ladder//

Then Adec is a parallelogram de = AC = 5 ad = CE angle BDE = 90 degrees, so be = 13cm, median = (AD + BC) divided by 2 = (BC + CE) divided by 2 = be divided by 2 = 6.5cm

If △ is a kind of operation symbol and a △ B = AB Ba, try to calculate the value of 4 △ (3 △ 2)

Because 3 △ 2 = 32-23 = 9-8 = 1, 4 △ 2 = 4 △ 1, = 41-14, = 4-1, = 3

If N-matrix a can be diagonalized, does it consist of eigenvalues of a?
How to prove

If a square matrix of order n can be similar diagonalized to diag {D1, D2,..., DN},
Then D1, D2,..., DN are n eigenvalues of A
If the basic conclusion is used, it can be proved by the following two conclusions:
1) Similar matrices have the same characteristic polynomials and all eigenvalues are the same
2) The n eigenvalues of a diagonal matrix are its diagonal elements
Both conclusions are easy to prove
1) If a is similar to B, then there is an invertible matrix P such that P ^ (- 1) AP = B
Then the characteristic polynomial of B | λ E-B | = | λ e-p ^ (- 1) AP | = | p ^ (- 1) (λ e-A) P | = | p ^ (- 1) | ·| λ e-A | ·| P | = | λ e-A |
That is to say, the two characteristic polynomials are the same, and the eigenvalues as the roots of the characteristic polynomials are also the same
2) Let d = diag {D1, D2,..., DN}, then λ E-D is also a diagonal matrix
The characteristic polynomial | λ E-D | = (λ - D1) (λ - D2)... (λ - DN), so the eigenvalues are D1, D2,..., DN
In fact, it can be proved directly from the definition of eigenvalue eigenvector
Let p be an invertible matrix such that P ^ (- 1) AP = diag {D1, D2,..., DN}, that is, AP = P · diag {D1, D2,..., DN}
Let n column vectors of p be x1, X2,..., xn in turn, that is, P can be expressed as [x1, X2,..., xn]
AP = [ax1, AX2,..., axn], and P · diag {D1, D2,..., DN} = [d1x1, d2x2,..., dnxn]
Comparing the two sides, Axi = Dixi holds for I = 1,2,..., n
Moreover, P is invertible, and any Xi is not a zero vector, so Xi is an eigenvector belonging to the eigenvalue Di, and Di is the eigenvalue of A

1 + 3 + 5 + 7. + 2 of 199 + 4 + 6 + 8. + 200 is equal to how much process

Use the formula: (first term + last term) × number of terms △ 2
The original formula = (1 + 200) × (200 △ 2) △ 2
=201 × 100 ÷2

Comparison of concepts of matrix, contract, similarity and equivalence

Contract, similar = > equivalent, otherwise not tenable
A contract is not necessarily similar, nor is it a contract
If a real symmetric matrix is similar (or has the same eigenvalue), it must be consistent

40% of a number plus 1 / 2 of this number equals 18. How much is this number? Use the equation to solve it

Let this number be X
40%X+1/2 X=18