How much is 2400000 cm converted into decimeter

How much is 2400000 cm converted into decimeter

1 decimeter = 10 cm
2400000 cm = 240000 decimeters

How much is 2.6 meters in centimeters


What is 4 out of 7 minus 1.75?

33 out of 28

When Xiao Ming solved the equation 2x − 15 + 1 = x + A2, due to carelessness, when the denominator is removed, the left 1 of the equation is not multiplied by 10, so the solution obtained is x = 4. Try to find the value of a, and correctly find the solution of the equation

∵ when the denominator is removed, only 1 on the left side of the equation is not multiplied by 10, 2 (2x-1) + 1 = 5 (x + a), substituting x = 4 into the above formula, the solution is a = - 1. The original equation can be reduced to: 2x − 15 + 1 = x − 12, the denominator is removed, 2 (2x-1) + 10 = 5 (x-1) is removed, the bracket is removed, 4x-2 + 10 = 5x-5 is obtained, the term is shifted and the similar term is merged, the - x = - 13 coefficient is changed to 1, x = 13, so a = - 1, x = 13

It takes 8 minutes for Party A to make a part, but the efficiency of Party B is lower than that of Party A ()

Please refer to:
Work efficiency = total amount of work / working time ("/" is division sign)
The efficiency of Party B is lower than that of Party A

Solving equation 6 (x-3.5) = 17.8 + 2x


A and B had the same amount of grain in their original warehouses. After 32.5 tons of grain were transported from a to B, B had 3.6 times as much grain as a. how many were there in their original warehouses?
This problem can only be solved by numbers, not by equations! Remember!


How to solve the equation 4x = 12

Divide both sides by 4

Find a mathematical problem of fraction
Uncle Zhang's clothing store has a new batch of winter clothes. The profit of each piece is one third of the cost. In order to promote sales, Uncle Zhang advertised 10% discount on each piece. As a result, the daily sales volume doubled. Do you know how much the daily total profit of this batch of clothes increased after the discount compared with that before the discount? Please calculate and explain

The profit of each piece is 1 / 3 before the discount, and 10% after the discount. Then the profit of each piece is (1 + 1 / 3) * 90% - 1 = 3 / 15. If the daily sales volume is doubled, the total profit should be multiplied by 2, so (3 / 15 * 2-1 / 3) / (1 / 3) = 1 / 5 is 20%

Let the three numbers a, B and C form an equal ratio sequence, the sum of which is 28, and a, B + 2 and C form an equal difference sequence

According to "three numbers a, B, C form equal proportion sequence", it can be concluded that:
From "a, B + 2, C into arithmetic sequence", we can get that:
Combined with "a + B + C = 28", it can be concluded that: