The material of famous people's examples for argumentative papers I usually write compositions with examples of Beethoven, Madame Curie and Edison, but my teacher said that my examples are too popular~ I want to find some less known but famous examples to use as argumentative materials

The material of famous people's examples for argumentative papers I usually write compositions with examples of Beethoven, Madame Curie and Edison, but my teacher said that my examples are too popular~ I want to find some less known but famous examples to use as argumentative materials

Let's write about Li Yugang. He's a gorgeous and gorgeous celebrity. Keep pace with the times
He is a national first-class actor who came from a peasant family. He is a talented young man forced by the harsh life. Although he is known as a national treasure artist, he is always modest, friendly, simple and has no habit of being a big name. If you can, please understand him with a common heart and go to see his interview with patience, In him, we can find many true, good and beautiful things, and some qualities and spirits worth learning
Let me tell you the truth about him
A singer in a singing hall, facing a provocative guest, put a pile of money in front of him, then opened a bottle of wine and asked him to drink it, and then he could take it away! The singer hesitated for a while, but he didn't hesitate for a long time. After drinking the wine, he took the pile of money and left without saying a word! He didn't worry about his dignity and feelings, but for the artist, the audience is God, Reward is the guarantee, as long as it doesn't exceed the bottom line. This singer is like this. After ten years, he finally has a chance to become a singer who is valued by others. This person is Li Yugang. He is not arrogant, but he is calm. Even in the face of criticism, he always says, I smile and deposit everything in my heart, I take my things on the stage to conquer you, I want to let my things on the stage is glorious, no matter what kind of stage

Kneeling for high school argumentative writing materials, celebrity examples

At present, there are only 1700 Antarctic blue whales living in the world. Before human beings began large-scale hunting activities, its population number was 23.97j - 544kg. Adjust the water temperature of your electric water heater from 60oC to 48.8oc, which can reduce the emission of 544kg into the atmosphere every year

Examples of celebrities in Argumentative Essays
It's all the famous people at all times and in all over the world. What virtues do they have? Give examples and write them into argumentative essays about what
Prawns, help me, help me tidy up, the more the better
I don't want a celebrity's story. It's about the merits of many celebrities
Don't make a long speech. To sum up, it's useful to write argumentative papers

Newton, known as the pioneer of modern science, has made great contributions to science. His three great achievements -- Analysis of light, law of gravitation and calculus, have laid a foundation for the development of modern science
Why did Newton make great achievements in science? How did he become a great scientist from an ordinary man? To answer these questions, we can't help thinking of several stories about his hard study and hard work
"I must surpass him!"
When it comes to Newton, people may think that he must have been a "prodigy" and "genius" and had extraordinary intelligence when he was a child. In fact, Newton's childhood was thin and weak, and his brain was not smart. When he was studying in his hometown, he didn't work hard, and his grades in the class were inferior. But his interests were wide, He likes to make mechanical models, such as windmills, water wheels, sundials and so on. His elaborate water clock, with accurate timing, has won people's praise
One day, he made a lantern and hung it on the tail of a kite. When the night came, the lantern lit by the kite rose into the air. The luminous lantern was flowing in the air. People were surprised to think that there was a comet. Nevertheless, because of his poor academic performance, he was often discriminated against
At that time, the British hierarchy in feudal society was very serious. Good students in primary and secondary schools could discriminate against poor students. Once, when everyone was in high spirits during a break game, a good student kicked Newton for an excuse and called him a fool. Newton's heart was so stimulated that he was very angry. He thought, we are both students, Why am I bullied by him? I must surpass him! From then on, Newton made up his mind to study hard. He got up early and went to bed late, grasped every minute, studied hard and thought hard
After hard study, Newton's academic performance continued to improve, and soon surpassed the one who bullied him and ranked at the top of the class
Fun under the fence
There are many famous scientists in the world whose families are poor. On the road to success, they all fought against the hardship. Newton's situation in his youth is also very sympathetic
Newton was born in 1642 at the home of an ordinary farmer in England. Shortly before Newton was born, his father died. His mother remarried when he was two years old. When Newton was 14 years old, his stepfather died. When his mother returned to his hometown, Newton was forced to leave school and go home to help his mother farm. His mother wanted to train him to make a living independently and asked him to run the business of agricultural products
How reluctant a studious child is to leave his beloved school! He cried for several times, but his mother didn't change her mind. At last, he had to learn to do business according to his mother's wishes. Every morning, he went to a big town more than ten miles away with an old servant. Newton didn't like doing business very much and entrusted everything to the old servant, He secretly ran to a place to study
As time went by, Newton became more and more disgusted with business. All he liked was reading. Later, Newton simply stopped doing business in the town and asked the old servant to go alone. He was afraid that his family would find out that he would go out with the old servant every day, stop on the way and read under a fence. When the old servant came back in the afternoon, he would go home together
One day, he was reading happily under the fence, but his uncle saw him. When he saw this, he was very angry and scolded him for not doing his job. He snatched Newton's book. When he saw that he was reading a mathematics book with various marks on it, he was moved. He hugged Newton, Excitedly said: "children, according to your ambition to develop it, your right path should be reading."
After returning home, my uncle tried to persuade Newton's mother to give up business and go to school. With the help of my uncle, Newton went back to school
Study and calculate wind force in storm
Time is equal to people and gives them the same amount, but people make different use of time and acquire different knowledge
At the age of 16, Newton's knowledge of mathematics was still very superficial, and he didn't even understand the advanced knowledge of mathematics. "Knowledge lies in accumulation, and intelligence comes from learning." Newton was determined to climb the peak of mathematics by his own efforts. Under the unfavorable conditions of poor foundation, Newton could correctly understand himself and advance in the face of difficulties, After studying Euclidean geometry, he studied Cartesian geometry. By contrast, he thought Euclidean geometry was superficial, so he studied Cartesian geometry with great care
He invented the binomial theorem of algebra. Newton's fable of "calculating wind force in a storm" can prove Newton's body mechanics. One day, there was a storm in the sky. The wind howled wildly, and the dust was flying. It was so long that people could not open their eyes. Newton thought it was a good opportunity to accurately study and calculate the wind force, He took the equipment and ran back and forth in the storm alone. He staggered and laboriously measured. Several times the dust lost his eyes, several times the wind blew away the paper, several times the wind made him have to stop working, but they did not shake his desire for knowledge. He got the correct data again and again. He was so happy that he ran home quickly, After hard study, Newton laid a solid foundation for his scientific tower. Soon, Newton's mathematical tower was built. He invented differential calculus at the age of 22 and integral calculus at the age of 23, which made great contributions to the cause of human science
The secret of gravity and light
When Newton was 23 years old, plague spread in London. In order to prevent students from being infected, Cambridge University ordered students to leave school and go home to avoid the plague. The school was temporarily closed. Newton returned to his hometown Lincolnshire. During his stay in the countryside, he never stopped studying and researching. The basic work of gravity, calculus, light analysis and other inventions was completed during this period
At that time, the children in the countryside often beat the stone a few times with a catapult and throw it far away. They could also turn a pail of milk from the head without the milk falling down
These facts made him doubt: "what power can keep the stone in the catapult and the milk in the bucket from falling? For this problem, he thought of the ideas of Kepler and Galileo. He thought of the interaction of forces between these giants from the vast space, the endless planets, the wide cold moon to the huge earth, Newton plunged into the calculation and verification of "gravity". Newton planned to use this principle to verify the laws of action of the planets in the solar system
Because the quoted data are incorrect, the calculation result is wrong. According to theory, the centripetal acceleration of the moon around the earth should be 16 feet per minute, but it is only 13.9 feet per minute. In the dilemma of failure, Newton did not lose heart and was discouraged. Instead, he made greater efforts to carry out hard research, At the age of 30, he finally proved the world famous law of universal gravitation and laid the foundation of theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics
During this period, Newton also studied optics and discovered the origin of color. Once, when he was observing celestial bodies with a homemade telescope, no matter how he adjusted the lens, his viewpoint was always unclear. He thought that this might be related to the refraction of light. Then he began to experiment. He left a small round hole in the window door of the darkroom to transmit light, and put a prism behind the hole in the room, A white screen was hung behind the prism to receive the light folded through the prism. As a result, Newton was surprised to see that the refraction received on the white screen was oval with two ends
Newton thought deeply about this strange phenomenon. He learned that after the light was refracted, the white light of the sun was divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. Therefore, the white light (sunlight) was formed by the confluence of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, The formation of colorful rainbow, it is this truth
After further study, Newton pointed out that all things in the world have color, not their own color. The sun shines on all things, and each object only absorbs the color it accepts, but reflects the color it cannot accept. The reflected color is the color of various objects that people see. This theory accurately reveals the origin of color, All kinds of color theories in the world since ancient times have been overthrown by it
Newton's deep mathematical foundation played an important role in his great achievement
Enter the realm of selflessness
On a rugged mountain road, an old man with white hair is slowly climbing the mountain with a horse. The man walks slowly in front and the horse follows step by step. There is a monotonous sound of horse's hooves in the valley. Walking, walking, the horse suddenly runs out of the rein. The old man is immersed in extreme thinking, but he doesn't realize it. The old man still climbs the mountain bravely, holding the rein in his hand