What is the abbreviation of LAN

What is the abbreviation of LAN

LAN is called LAN. The architecture based on LAN is called C / s

The abbreviation of computer LAN is a ` Wan B ` man c ` lan d ` San

Wan = wide area network
Man = maintenance alert network;
=Man machine system;
=Metropolitan area network
LAN = local area network
San = severe acoustic noise
So it's LAN

What is the abbreviation of LAN?

LAN -- local area network

From now on, the year-end deposit is 1000 yuan, the annual interest rate is 12%, and the compound interest is calculated once a half year. What is the sum of principal and interest at the end of the fifth year
From now on, the deposit at the end of each year is 1000 yuan, the annual interest rate is 12%, and the compound interest is calculated once a half year. What is the sum of principal and interest at the end of the fifth year? The answer is: F = 1000 * (A / F, 6%, 2) * (F / A, 6%, 10) = 6398. Why multiply (A / F, 6%, 2),

The problem is that interest is calculated at the end of each year, and 1000 is given at the end of each year. However, the F / a coefficient is also given at the beginning of the period, 6%, which means 10 periods. Therefore, it involves an imbalance. 1000 is only given five times, or at the end of each second period, f / a needs 10 periods. At the beginning of the period, i.e., 2,4,6,8,10 periods have, multiplied by (A / F, 6%, 2), which is to

As shown in the picture, Xiaoming moves from a to B. when he moves to P, he finds that the shadow behind him just touches the bottom of street lamp A. when he moves on for another 12 meters, the top of the shadow just touches the bottom of street lamp B. It is known that Xiaoming is 1.6 meters high, street lamp A and B is 9.6 meters high, and AP equals QB equals x meters
I have an urgent need,
1 find the length of ab
When he is in B, how far is shadow a?

I can't see the picture. I'll do it according to my guess
1) X: (2x + 12) = 1.6:9.6, we can get x = 3, then AB = 3 + 12 + 3 = 18
2) Let the shadow length be y
Y: (y + 18) = 1.6:9.6, the distance between shadow and a is 18 + 18 / 5 = 21.6m

How to calculate 75 times 76, one times 77

75 times 76, one in 76 times 77
=75 and 75 / 76

Mathematics application problem: Party A and Party B cooperate to complete a work. Due to the good cooperation, Party A's work efficiency is one tenth higher than that when they do it alone
Party A and Party B cooperate to complete a work. Due to the good cooperation, Party A's work efficiency is one tenth higher than that when they do it alone, and Party B's work efficiency is one fifth higher than that when they do it alone. Party A and Party B cooperate for four hours to complete the work

What you want to ask is:
Party A and Party B cooperate to complete a work. Due to the good cooperation, the work efficiency of Party A is one tenth higher than that of Party B. the work efficiency of Party A is one fifth higher than that of Party B. Party A and Party B cooperate for four hours to complete two fifths of the whole work, 13 / 30 of the work is left unfinished. How many hours does it take for Party A to finish the work alone?
Party B shall complete 1-2 / 5-13 / 30 = 3 / 5-13 / 30 = 1 / 6 of the whole project in 4 hours
B's work efficiency = (1 / 6) / 4 = = 1 / 24
It takes 1 / (1 / 24) = 24 hours for B to do it alone
After the work efficiency of Party B is increased by 1 / 5, it is (1 / 24) x (1 + 1 / 5) = 1 / 20
The work efficiency of Party A and Party B after improvement = (2 / 5) / 4 = 1 / 10
Then the work efficiency of a is 1 / 10-1 / 20 = 1 / 20
A's original work efficiency = (1 / 20) / (1 + 1 / 10) = 1 / 22
It takes 1 / (1 / 22) = 22 hours for a to do it alone

What is the quotient of 1.2 plus the product of 1.8 and 4 divided by 0.4?

(1.2 + 1.8 × 4) △ 0.4, = (1.2 + 7.2) △ 0.4, = 8.4 △ 0.4, = 21; a: the quotient is 21

Calculate the volume formula of all figures
I'm an engineer, but I have to calculate a lot of volume, but now I forget to help me. From primary school to junior high school, I don't have to copy a lot of volume formulas

Volume calculation formula
Cuboid volume = length × width × height
Volume of cube = base area × height
The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length v = A3
Volume of cylinder
Volume of cylinder = area of bottom × height cylinder v = sh
Volume of cone
Volume of cone = 1 / 3 × bottom area × height v = 1 / 3SH
Spherical volume formula:
The volume formula is v = 4 / 3 × π × R ^ 3

15 ° 32'36 "= several degrees
