In calculus, why is the partial derivative of e ^ XY (about x) Ye ^ XY instead of e ^ x plus e ^ y,

In calculus, why is the partial derivative of e ^ XY (about x) Ye ^ XY instead of e ^ x plus e ^ y,

Given z = e ^ (XY), then z = [e ^ (XY)] [&; (XY) / &; x] = Ye ^ (XY); &; Z / &; y = [e ^ (XY)] [&; (XY) / &; y] = Xe ^ (XY)

Finding the partial derivatives of Z = f (U, V), u = x / y, v = 3x-2y

Use "P" to represent the partial derivative operator

Let x = u + V, y = u ^ 2 + V ^ 2, z = u ^ 3 + V ^ 3, find the partial derivatives of Z to X and Z to y
I want to generalize, that is, x = x (U, V). Y = y (U, V), z = Z (U, V), and f (x, y, z) = 0, to find the partial derivatives of Z to X and Z to y. my question is: is there any relationship between X and y? Take the example as an example, if XY is regarded as no relationship, it is easy to find the answer by finding the partial derivatives and substituting x = u + V, but is this right? How to solve it?

x. Y, Z must be related, they can be expressed by the expression of u, V
So to find the partial derivative of Z to x, we should first express Z with X and y, and then replace it with u and V
If you need any help, you can ask me for help

In the right triangle ABC, we know ∠ C = 90 & # 186;, ∠ a = 30 & # 186;, BC = 3, how to find AB?

Triangle ABC=

Various phrases and usages of English words "divide, devote"

Dedication for a special purpose:
Allocated their money to scientific research
Commit to: commit to a specific idea or action:
dedicated ourselves to starting our own business.See Synonyms at devote
We started our own business
3 for the first time to the public:
dedicate a monument.
Inauguration ceremony for a museum
To devote (one's time, energy, or oneself) entirely to a particular activity, cause, goal, or person
2. Make To set aside for a specific purpose or purpose:
land devoted to mining.
The land is reserved for mining
To contribute by or as if by oath or solemn act; dedicate
a temple devoted to Apollo.
A temple dedicated to Apollo
Decode to: usually use decode Dedicate sth. to
Devote to: mainly use devote one self to Business)


PRC: People's Republic of China
CAAC: Civil Aviation of China
Who: World Health Organization
BBS: bulletin board system or electronic bulletin board
CPU: central processing unit
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
ID: Identity
CCTV: China Central Television
UN: United Nations

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The denominator of a simplest fraction is reduced to 1 / 4 of the original, and the numerator is expanded to 3 times of the original, which is equal to 7 / 5. What is the simplest fraction?

Three fifths

A little is a quantifier and a countable noun. Is it necessary to add of
A little of their differences

A little can only be followed by uncountable nouns, and adding of can only modify uncountable nouns

If the square of | X-2 | + (3Y + 2) equals 0, then x-3y equals?

Because both the absolute value and the square are numbers ≥ 0
So we must make | X-2 | and (3Y + 2) & # 178; equal to 0
So X-2 = 3Y + 2 = 0