What's the difference between binomial coefficient and coefficient? I'm still not very clear about these two concepts. What's the difference between them?

What's the difference between binomial coefficient and coefficient? I'm still not very clear about these two concepts. What's the difference between them?

For example: (x-3) ^ 3 = 1 * x ^ 3 + 3 * x ^ 2 * (- 3) + 3x * (- 3) ^ 2 + 1 * (- 3) ^ 3, 1,3,3,1 in the above formula is the binomial coefficient C (m, n) - this rotten network can't express the coefficient formula vividly. And the number (including sign) in front of each unknowns x sorted out below is coefficient, or expansion

The difference between "sum of binomial coefficients" and "sum of various coefficients"!
Excuse me, their two formulas! Be concise!

You can see, for example
The binomial coefficients of each item are: 1,3,3,1
The coefficients of each item are 1,6,12,8 respectively
Binomial coefficients are certain, even if the terms are different, the binomial coefficients are the same
The sum of binomial coefficients is the nth power of 2
The coefficients are uncertain and have relations with the coefficients of the expanded items~~

Please spell your name

Please spell your name + full stop
There is no mistake (except that P should be capitalized),
But please spell your name with a question mark is wrong
The correct expression is
How do you spell your name?

If the side length of a square is increased by 3 cm, its area will be increased by 39 square cm
Take the time to answer for me! Thank you

Draw a picture, look carefully, there are a lot of words, just to make it clear to you
Divide the added square into two squares and two rectangles
Two squares, one is the original square, the other is the new square
The side length of the new square is 3 cm and the area is 3 × 3 = 9 square cm
The new two rectangles have the same area, the length is the side length of the original square, and the width is 3cm
The sum of the areas of the two rectangles is 39-9 = 30 square centimeters
The area of each rectangle is 30 △ 2 = 15 square centimeters
The length of a rectangle is 15 / 3 = 5cm
That is to say, the side length of the original square is 5cm

The antonym of clam, the synonym of smart, the synonym of mean, the noun and the other meaning of the past tense way
The difference between all synonyms and be win, which can't be used at the same time is information countable or uncountable

I am good at math. Laugh at sb make fun of sb make fun of sb

Application of sine theorem and cosine theorem
As shown in the figure, the sector a0b, the center angle a0b is equal to 60 ° and the radius is 2. There is a moving point P on the arc ab. passing through P, a line parallel to ob and OA intersect at point C. let ∠ AOP = x, find the maximum area of △ POC and the value of X at this time
Figure outline=

Extend PC, make od perpendicular to PQ, pod = 30 + X
So: od = OP * cos (30 + x) = 2 * cos (30 + x)
OC = od / cos (30 degrees) = 2 * od / radical 3. = 4 * cos (30 + x) / radical 3
The area of triangle POC is s = 0.5 * OP * OC * sin (x) = [0.5 * 2 * 4cos (30 + x) / radical 3] * SiNx
S = 4cos (30 + x) SiNx / radical 3 = [4 / radical 3] * SiNx * cos (x + 30)
From product to sum difference: S = [4 / radical 3] (0.5) [sin (x + X + 30) + sin (x-x-30)]
S = [2 / radical 3] [sin (2x + 30) - sin (30)]
We know that when 2x + 30 = 90, s is the largest, that is, when x = 30 degrees, s is the largest, and the maximum value is s = 1 / radical 3 = (radical 3) / 3

How to pronounce the past tense ed in American English?
When will it be sent
When do I send D

Look at these:
After the consonant, read as [t]
Like, helped, watched
Voiced consonants and vowels
Such as live, watered, listened, played
[t] [ID] after [D]
Such as planted, wanted, handled and studied

Why is Marxist philosophy the theoretical basis of building socialism with Chinese characteristics?

In general, it is Marxist philosophy, that is, dialectical materialism and historical materialism; in particular, it is Mao Zedong's "theory of practice", "theory of contradiction" and "theory of justice"

Reflections on RLC series resonance experiment
1. In the mechanical system, the observed quantity is displacement, corresponding to the observed quantity of charge (q = Cu) in the electrical system, but we observe the resistance voltage rather than the capacitance voltage. Why? 2. If the RLC is excited by the current in parallel, we can also obtain the second order constant coefficient differential equation in the same form and the corresponding table of mechanical parameters and electrical parameters, 3. Try to give an example of a simulation experiment?

1: Unified one unit quantitative, convenient calculation (capacitance voltage resistance is unified impedance R, convenient calculation)

Basic principles of historical materialism

Historical materialism holds that the development of social history has its own inherent objective laws. It holds that the mode of production of material life determines the general process of social life, political life and spiritual life; social existence determines social consciousness, Social consciousness reacts on social existence; the contradiction between productive forces and relations of production, the contradiction between economic base and superstructure, is the basic contradiction to promote all social development; in class society, the basic social contradiction is manifested as class struggle, which is the direct driving force for the development of class society; the highest form of class struggle is social revolution, The history of social development is the history of the people's practical activities, and the people are the creators of history. However, the activities and functions of the people in creating history are always restricted by the economic, political and ideological and cultural conditions at a certain historical stage. This is probably the way they excerpt