If x belongs to (0, π / 2), find the minimum value of function y = 2tanx + 1 / tan

If x belongs to (0, π / 2), find the minimum value of function y = 2tanx + 1 / tan

If and only if 2tanx = 1 / TaNx, that is, TaNx = √ 2 / 2, the minimum value of 2 √ 2 is obtained

Given - π / 4 ≤ x ≤ π / 3, y = Tan & sup2; x-2tanx + 2, find the maximum and minimum of the function, and find the phase
The value of X should be zero

When TaNx = 1, that is, x = π / 4, y has a minimum value of 1
When TaNx = - 1, i.e. x = - π / 4, y has a maximum value of 5

A car consumes three thousandths of the fuel per 6 km. On average, it can drive () km per kilogram of gasoline. How many kg of fuel does it consume () per kilometer?

A car consumes three thousandths of the fuel per 6 km, with an average of (10) km per kilogram of gasoline, and (1 / 10) kg per kilometer

If the adjacent complementary angle of an angle is 30 ° less than it, what is the degree of this angle
How do you do it

Let the angle be X
A: the angle is 105 degrees
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If the domain of function f (x) is r, and for any x, y belongs to R, f (XY) = f (x) + F (y), and f (- 1) = 0, it is proved that f (x) is an even function

Solution: to prove that a function is an even function, just prove that f (- x) = f (x) [proof process] because the domain of F (x) is r, and for any x, y belongs to R, f (XY) = f (x) + F (y) let y = - 1, then f (- x) = f (x) + F (- 1) because f (- 1) = 0, so f (- x) = f (x) + F (- 1) = f (x)

When water forms ice, do its chemical properties change? What physical properties have changed
Name three or four

Its chemical properties have not changed, its physical properties have changed, from liquid to solid

What is the speed of sound in water?

Distilled water (25 ℃) 1497m / S
Seawater (25 ℃) 1531m / S
Water (normal temperature) 1500m / S

How to calculate (log2 [3]) of (1 / 2)

=1 / 2 of (log2 [3])
Here we use a ^ loga (n) = n

The least common multiple of 48,36,10 and 64,34

Finding the sum of the first n even numbers of a positive integer column

The first n even numbers of positive integer column are: 2,4,6,8 , 2n-2,2n (n is a positive integer)
It is not difficult to find that the sequence is an arithmetic sequence with A1 = 2 as the first term and 2 as the tolerance
Using the formula of the sum of the first n items of the arithmetic sequence: the sum of the first n items Sn = the first item × n + number of items (number of items - 1) tolerance / 2
We can get: SN = 2n + n (n-1) X2X (1 / 2), so the answer is n ^ 2 + n