When the numerator and denominator of 59 are added at the same time, the result will be equal to 23?

When the numerator and denominator of 59 are added at the same time, the result will be equal to 23?

59 → 5 + 39 + 3 = 812 = 23

How to use many, many, some, such as adding countable nouns, plural or uncountable nouns, etc

Many plus countable noun plural many plus uncountable noun some some apples some milk

(1) Let x > - 1 find the maximum value of the function y = (x ^ 2 + 7x + 10) / (x + 1), and let X-1 find the maximum value of the function y = (x ^ 2 + 7x + 10) / (x + 1),
Let x

Your question may not be understood by others. It is suggested to ask a group

Translate some words in English

cold-blood animal
American badger
Isn't this from today's noon program

In the equilateral triangle ABC, D and E are the points on AB and BC respectively, and ab = be, AE and CD intersect at P, CF and are perpendicular to Ae
1. To verify the degree of ∠ CPE
2. Verification: pf = 1-2pc

Your title is wrong. It should be ad = be
1. Because ad = be, ab = AC, ∠ Abe = ∠ CAD = 60
So triangle Abe ≌ triangle CAD,
Therefore, BAE = ACD
Because ∠ BAE + ∠ cap = ∠ BAC = 60
Therefore, ACD + cap = 60
Because in the triangle APC, ∠ CPE is the outer angle
Therefore, CPE = ACD + cap = 60
2. And because CF is perpendicular to AE,
So in right triangle CPF, PF = PC * cos ∠ CPE = 1 / 2pc

Make the following words plural! Come on
puppy bear boy watch sheep mango policeman knife candy kiwifruit

Puppies bears boies watches sheet (unchanged) mangos / mangoes (all right) policemen knifes Candida kiwifruits

If a, B (a is not equal to b) is the root of the equation x square + x-2009 = 0, then the square of a - B =?

A-2009 = 0
According to Weida's theorem, a + B = - 1

Please spell your name

How your name spelling?

When the side length of a square increases by 3cm, its area increases by 39cm2. The side length of the square is ()
A. 5cmB. 6cmC. 8cmD. 10cm

Let the original side length of the square be x, then x2 + 39 = (x + 3) 2, the solution is x = 5, so a

See past tense that plural this corresponding word much synonym me main case wait noun say simple three form behind antonym wash simple three form
Go to bed antonym come

See past tense see that plural that this corresponding word that much synonym many me main case I wait noun wait say simple three form say behind antonym in front of
Washes go to bed antonym get up come