As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of circle O, CB is Xuan, OD ⊥ CB is at point E, intersecting circle O is at point D, connecting AC and AD (1) Please write two correct conclusions of different types (2) if CB = 8, ed = 2, find the radius of circle o

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of circle O, CB is Xuan, OD ⊥ CB is at point E, intersecting circle O is at point D, connecting AC and AD (1) Please write two correct conclusions of different types (2) if CB = 8, ed = 2, find the radius of circle o

2、CE=EB=4,OE=R-ED=R-2 OB^2=OE^2+EB^2 R^2=(R-2)^2+4^2 R=5

If x = 1, the value of PX ^ 3 + QX + 1 is 2005, then when x = - 1, the value of PX ^ 3 + QX + 1 is a - 2003 B - 2004 C - 2005 D 2005

The formula A1 (1-Q ^ n) / (1-Q)
a=2005+2004*2005+2004*2005^2+…… +2004*2005^2004
=2005+2004*(2005+2005^2+…… +2005^2004)

Given that the circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 16, PQ is the upper moving point of the circle, a (2,0), AP is perpendicular to AQ, find the trajectory equation of the midpoint of PQ
Some of them don't understand

Let P (x1, Y1) Q (X2, Y2) midpoint (m, n). Substituting P, Q two points into the circular equation, X1 + Y1 = 2m, X2 + y2 = 2n. The joint solution of quadrilateral equation is: (m-1) ^ 2 + n ^ 2 = 11. Note ^ 2 is square

When x = 1, the value of polynomial ax & # 178; + BX + 1 is 3, then the value of polynomial 2 (2a-b) - (5a-3b) is equal to?

Ah!!! I get it. I get it. Is the answer right?

In the known cuboid abcd-a1b1c1d1, Aa1 = 5, ab = 6, ad = 8. The cuboid makes free motion in accordance with the following conditions: (1)
The straight line L is perpendicular to the plane a, and the perpendicular foot is o. in the known cuboid abcd-a1b1c1d1, Aa1 = 5, ab = 6, ad = 8. The cuboid makes free motion under the following conditions: (1) a is on L, (2) C is in A. then what is the maximum distance between C1 and D?

5 + 5 radical 2

Given the function f (x) = x2-2mx + 2-m. (II) denote a = {y | y = f (x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}, and a &; [0, + ∞], find the maximum of real number M
Why should we discuss it by the size of M? Why not discuss it by the discriminant 0?
I did this:
The discriminant is less than or equal to 0 - 2

When m = 2, f (1) = - 3
Your m

Given a / 1-B / 1 = 1, the value of 2A + ab-2b / a-3ab-b is equal to?


7 divided by 2 () 40 divided by 6 () 1 multiplied by 1 = 1 ()

7 divided by 2 (no three no four) 40 divided by 6 (six not enough) 1 multiplied by 1 = 1 (invariable)

If the height of a triangle is 8 cm, then the height of a parallelogram is 8 cm______ If the height of a parallelogram is 8 cm, then the height of a triangle is 8 cm______ Cm

The area of parallelogram is: S = ah1, the area of triangle is: S = ah2 △ 2, so ah1 = ah2 △ 2, H1 = H2 △ 2, the height of parallelogram is: 8 △ 2 = 4 (CM), the height of triangle is: 8 × 2 = 16 (CM), answer: the height of parallelogram is 4 cm, the height of triangle is 16 cm. So the answer is: 4; 16

One sixth x plus one third x is four ninths

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