The next day, the owner steamed the steamed bread and put it on the table in the shop instead of calling the guests. After getting up, a divided the steamed bread into three parts and left after eating one of his own. After getting up, B divided the steamed bread into three parts and left after eating one of his own The steamed bread was divided into three parts, and I ate one of my own. At this time, there were still eight steamed bread left on the table. How many steamed bread did the owner prepare for them?

The next day, the owner steamed the steamed bread and put it on the table in the shop instead of calling the guests. After getting up, a divided the steamed bread into three parts and left after eating one of his own. After getting up, B divided the steamed bread into three parts and left after eating one of his own The steamed bread was divided into three parts, and I ate one of my own. At this time, there were still eight steamed bread left on the table. How many steamed bread did the owner prepare for them?

Suppose the shopkeeper prepared a total of X steamed buns for them, which means: X × (1-13) × (1-13) × (1-13) = 8 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

1. Factorization: (1) quadratic power of x-9x-36 (2) quadratic power of x-8x-9
2. Factorization factor: the second power of (x + 2Y) - 15 (x + 2Y) - 16
3. Given x + X + 1 = 0, find 1 + X + 2 power of X + 3 power of X + 4 power of X + +The value of X to the power of 2006

Factorization is all cross multiplication
It should be x ^ 2 + X + 1 = 0
1+x+x^2+x^3+x^4+ … +x^2006
=x^3+x^4+ … +x^2006
=x^3(1+x+x^2)+x^6+x^7+… +x^2006
=x^3*0+x^6+x^7+… +x^2006
=x^6+x^7+… +x^2006
Use it again and again

The speed ratio of train a and B is 5:4. Train B starts first and goes from station B to station A. when it is 72 kilometers away from station B, train a starts from station a and goes to station B. the distance ratio of the place where the two trains meet is 3:4 from station a and station B. then how many kilometers is the distance between station a and station B?

The distance between a and B is 45 × (3 + 4) = 315 (km). A: the distance between a and B is 315 km

How many square meters does the iron sheet of 4 tons weigh 0.05 cm thick calculate
If you don't know, please don't answer. Who knows,

4 / (0.0005x7.8) = 1025 square meters

After three trucks were transported, there were still 100 kg left. How many thousand tons of cement per truck
Lie equation
Guangyuan Central Primary School repairs the school building and buys 850 kg of cement. After three vehicles are transported, there are still 100 kg left. How many kg of cement are transported by each vehicle on average?
solve equations

3x + 1.85 = 9.35

The volume sum of cone and cylinder with equal base and height is 12.56 cubic decimeter, and the volume of cone is () cubic decimeter
A. 3.14B. 6.28C. 12.56D. 25.12

A: the volume of a cone is 3.14 cubic decimeter

If the minimum multiple of a number is 16, then the maximum factor of the number is also 16. Is it right or wrong?


Given that a = 2x square + 3ax-2x-1, B = - x square + AX-1, if the value of a + 2B has nothing to do with the value of X, find the value of A

Square of 2x + 3ax-2x-1 + 2 (- square of X + AX-1)
5a-2=0 --> a=2/5

Hands up for English topics and meetings
on the 4th Thursday of November.
People have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October
Why did you use of November first and in October second
Look at the next line

In this case, of is equal to in
On the 4th Thursday of November.= On the 4th Thursday in November.
People have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October.=People have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday of October.

(- 7x to the third power, y-3b to the second power) (7x to the third power, y-3b to the second power)=

= (-3b^2)^2-(7x^3y)^2
Basis: square difference formula: (a + b) (a-b) = a ^ 2-B ^ 2