Please fill in the brackets with the nine numbers 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ± 4, so that the three numbers in each row, the three numbers in each column and the number added diagonally are all 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Please fill in the brackets with the nine numbers 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ± 4, so that the three numbers in each row, the three numbers in each column and the number added diagonally are all 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

This can be used for reference,
The sum of each row / column / diagonal is 5, but it is equivalent to subtracting 5 from each number
4 9 2
8 5 6
3 1 7
Corresponding to your question:
-1 4 -3
3 0 1
-2 -4 2

The addition and subtraction elimination method of binary linear equations (please answer before 8:45,
The binary linear equations are solved by the method of addition, subtraction and elimination
30% · x + 60% · y = 10% x 60 (= x after 10% X is a multiplication sign)
It is solved by the method of addition, subtraction and elimination,
There are three more questions. I can't score = =
1,3 of x plus 5 of y = (equal to) 1
2,3 of M + n minus 4 of N-M = 2
4m plus 3 / N = 8
3,3 x + 1 minus 4 y + 2 = 0
X-3 of 4 minus Y-3 of 3 = 1 of 12
Thank you on your knees, orz
The remaining three problems should also be solved by the method of addition, subtraction and elimination,
Where are all the Wuwu people~

The first question. 0.8x-0.9y = 0.26x-3y = 46 * (0.8x-0.9y) = 0.2 * 6 obtains 4.8x-5.4y = 1.20.8 * (6x-3y) = 4 * 0.8 obtains 4.8x-2.4y = 3.2 (4.8x-2.4y) - (4.8x-5.4y) = 3.2-1.2 obtains 4.8x-2.4y-4.8x + 5.4y = 3.2-1.2 becomes 5.4y-2.4y = 3.2-1.2 obtains 3Y = 2

@Divided by # equals 12, 15 @ plus # equals 353 @ equals () # equals ()

@/#=12 @ + # = 353 @ = 353 - š - 15 / # = 12 # = 26 @ = 353-26 = 327

When x takes which integers, the value of algebraic expression 3 - (3 / 2) x is not less than the value of 5 / 8 - (4x-3) / 6

That is, 3 - (3 / 2) x ≥ 5 / 8 - (4x-3) / 6
Take 24 on both sides
Is it a positive integer
So x = 1, x = 2

It is known that a times 120% = 3 / 4 times b = C divided by 0.15 = D divided by 3 / 2 (ABCD is not 0), and the four numbers of ABCD are arranged in the order from large to small

As a, B.C and D are not zero, according to the requirements:
Suppose a is > 0, then B = 1.6A, C = 8a, d = 1.8A,
Therefore, the order from large to small is: C > d > b > a
Suppose a is b > d > C

A right triangle, two right angle sides for 6 meters, 8 meters, hypotenuse for 10 meters, seek area?

The area of a right triangle is equal to half of the product of two right angles. This problem is 6 * 8 * 0.5 = 24

When k takes what value, the explanation of the equation (x-4) / 6 - (kx-1) / 3 = 1 / 3 of X is positive integer?

Answer: K1 = - 3 / 2, K2 = - 1 / 2, K3 = 0
Process: multiply 6 on the left and right sides of the equation to get x-4-2 (kx-1) = 2;
The equation is: x = 4 / (1-2k);
Because the solution of the equation about X is a positive integer, and there are three divisors of 4: 1, 2 and 4
1-2k = 1 or 1-2k = 2 or 1-2k = 4;
The solution is: K1 = - 3 / 2, K2 = - 1 / 2, K3 = 0

The height of the trapezoid is 3. 0 less than 1.5 times of the median line. The area of the trapezoid is () square decimeter

The median line is (3.5 + 0.25) / 1.5 = 2.5 decimeters
The area of trapezoid is 3.5 * 2.5 = 8.75 square decimeters

0.9 + 0.99 + 0.999 + 0.999-3 =? How is it the easiest?

The original formula = 0.999 + 1-0.1 + 1-0.01 + 1-0.001-3 = 0.999 + 3-3-0.1-0.01-0.001 = 0.999-0.1-0.01-0.001 = 0.888, the key lies in the use of repeated two times of 0.999, because the previous reduction obtained by subtracting 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 is the decile, percentile, thousandth of 0.999 minus 1

As shown in the figure, BP and CP are bisectors of ∠ B and ∠ C in any △ ABC. It can be seen that ∠ BPC = 90 ° + 12 ∠ A. if △ ABC in the figure is changed into quadrilateral ABCD in the figure, BP and CP are still bisectors of ∠ B and ∠ C. It is conjectured that the quantitative relationship between ∠ BPC and ∠ A and ∠ D is linear______ .

The intersection of Ba and CD is extended at the point E. according to the known conclusion, ∠ BPC = 90 °+ 12 ∠ BEC, and ∠ e = ∠ bad - ∠ ade = ∠ bad - (180 ° - ∠ ADC). The ∠ BPC = 90 °+ 12 ∠ bad-90 ° + 12 ∠ ADC, i.e. ∠ BPC = 12 ∠ bad + 12 ∠ ADC