All the students in Grade 6 of the third primary school donated money to the earthquake stricken areas. Girls contributed more than 360 yuan for 50% of the whole year and donations, while boys contributed 2 / 3 of the girls. How much money did grade 6 donate to the earthquake stricken areas?

All the students in Grade 6 of the third primary school donated money to the earthquake stricken areas. Girls contributed more than 360 yuan for 50% of the whole year and donations, while boys contributed 2 / 3 of the girls. How much money did grade 6 donate to the earthquake stricken areas?

Set up a donation of X Yuan for girls and 2 / 3x yuan for boys
Male + Female donation = 2160 + 2160x2 / 3 + 3600 yuan
It's like this. You can see for yourself

Three students donated 284 yuan to the Wenchuan earthquake stricken area. It is known that the money ratio of Li Ming to Zhang Ping is 5:6, and that of Zhang Ping to Wang Hong is 8:9,
How many yuan each of the three students donated

The money ratio of Li Ming and Zhang Ping is 5:6 = 20:24
The money ratio of Zhang Ping and Wang Hong is 8:9 = 24:27
Donation ratio of three people = 20:24:27
Li Mingjuan 284 * (20 / 20 + 24 + 27) = 80 yuan
Zhang Ping donated 284 * (24 / 20 + 24 + 27) = 96 yuan
Wang Hong donated 284 * (24 / 20 + 24 + 27) = 108 yuan

The school organized students to donate 4300 yuan to the Wenchuan earthquake stricken area in Sichuan Province. Three classes in Grade 6 donated 4300 yuan in total. The amount of money donated by class 2 was 3 / 4 of that of class 1, and that donated by class 3 was 1
2 / 5 of the class, how much is the donation of class one?

Set up a class and donate X Yuan
X = 4300 * 20 / 43 = 2000 (yuan) answer

Selection of congruent triangles
Congruent triangle is a more difficult problem. It has a graph and a method. It's better to explain why we do it, that is, why we need to make auxiliary lines and why we need to start from here. We often know that we need to make auxiliary lines and we don't know how to do it. Is there any method

Auxiliary line I don't know if your math teacher has handed in any information. If you have, then you are recommended to do exercises. The progress will be very fast. You still need to do exercises to find feelings. You can also find the real problems over the years

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Who do you work for

What's your salary for working for yourself? To work for yourself may be to witness or hear the fact that your parents or others have been ruthlessly dismissed by the boss. Today's young people tend to see the society as colder and more severe than the previous generation, so they are more realistic

After 23 became 812, the original score increased four times______ Reason:______ .

23 becomes 812, that is 38 = 3 × 48 × 4 = 812. According to the basic property of fraction, the numerator and denominator of fraction multiply by 4 at the same time, and the size of fraction remains unchanged. So the statement of stem is wrong; so the answer is: wrong, the numerator and denominator of fraction multiply or divide by the same number (except 0), and the size of fraction remains unchanged

How to solve the equation x + (12-x) = 58?

No solution, is it wrong

1+2+3+4+5+6+…… +98+99+100-50=


Take a triangle ruler, draw its outline on a large piece of paper, and then fold it outward along each side of the triangle ruler, and draw its outline at any time. What kind of pattern will you get?

Answer: circle
Because constantly turning outward is equivalent to rotating around a vertex, and finally it must be a circle