18.3 degrees - 26 degrees 34 '=__________________ .

18.3 degrees - 26 degrees 34 '=__________________ .

3-26 degrees 34 '= - 9 ° 44'

18.3 degrees + 26 degrees 54 minutes

18.3 degrees + 26 degrees 54 minutes

What is 25 times 125 times 32
Teach me how to count, I can't count

So 25 × 125 × 32

Just use the number 8 to make up five numbers and fill in the box below to make the formula true______ ﹢______ ﹢______ ﹢______ ﹢______ =1000.

According to the stem analysis can be: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000, so the answer is: 888; 88; 8; 8; 8

How to solve the equation (2 / 15 + 6 + 2 / 15): X - (2 / 15 = 6 = 2 / 15) = 3:7

It's just a real root solution of one variable cubic equation. According to Weida's theorem, one variable cubic equation should have three roots, but according to Weida's theorem, as long as one of the roots is solved, the other two roots can be easily solved

Simplification of cos20 / cos70-2cos10=

Cos20 / (cos70-2cos10) = cos20 / (COS (60 + 10) - 2cos10)) = - radical 3 / 3

Observe and analyze the following equations: ① x + 2x = 3, ② x + 6x = 5, ③ x + 12x = 7. Please use the law they contain to find the root of the equation x + N2 + nx-3 = 2n + 4 (n is a positive integer). Your answer is___ .

∵ x + 2x = 3 = 1 + 2 and 1 × 2 = 2, the solutions are 1 and 2; X + 6x = 5 = 2 + 3 and 2 × 3 = 6, the solutions are 2 and 3; X + 12x = 7 = 3 + 4 and 3 × 4 = 12, the solutions are 3 and 4; X + N2 + nx-3 = 2n + 4 is transformed into (x-3) + N2 + nx-3 = n + (n + 1) and n (n + 1) = N2 + N, the solutions are n + 3 and N + 4

Yang Yang writes x big words every day, 140 in a week (according to seven days). Set up equation solution, quick


If the point m (1,2a) is in the fourth quadrant, then the value range of a is ()
If A-B < 0 and ab < 0, then point (a, b) is in the () quadrant

If the point m (1,2a) is in the fourth quadrant, then the value range of a is (a)

4. How many meters is five decimeters

5 decimeters equals 0.5 meters