How to divide 6552 by 56?

How to divide 6552 by 56?


The area of a trapezoid is 56 square decimeters. Its height and bottom are 8 decimeters. How many decimeters is its top and bottom?

56×2 ÷8 - 8
= 14 - 8
=6 decimeters top and bottom length

The area of a trapezoid is 3.3m2. It is known that the upper bottom of the trapezoid is 1.6m and the height is 1.5m. What is the lower bottom of the trapezoid?

The bottom of this trapezoid is x m (1.6 + x) × 1.5 △ 2 = 3.3 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2.4 + 1.5x = 3.3 × 2 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2.4 + 1.5x = 6.6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

The area of a trapezoid is 66 square meters, the bottom of the trapezoid is 14 meters, and the height is 6 meters. How many meters is the top of the trapezoid?

Upper bottom = 2S / height lower bottom = 2 * 66 / 6-14 = 8M

It is known that the circumference of isosceles △ ABC is 10. If the waist length is x, then the value range of X is______ .

According to the meaning of the question: 10-2x-x < x < 10-2x + X, the solution is 52 < x < 5

If the least common multiple of natural numbers a and B is 140 and the greatest common divisor is 5, then the maximum value of a + B is 140______ .

According to the analysis, one of a and B is 140, and the other is 5, so the maximum value of a + B is 5 + 140 = 145, so the answer is 145

If the slope of a straight line is a, then its slope is Tana?

If a = 90, then the slope is Tana
It is correct to say that if the inclination angle of a straight line is a, then its slope is Tana or does not exist

Mother, is, your, this

Is this your mother?

When the value of the parabola y = x ^ 2-3kx + 2K + 4K is known, the parabola is symmetric about the Y axis
Why does the parabola pass through the origin when k value

Analysis: (1) if the parabola is symmetric about the Y axis, then the coefficient of the first term is 0, that is - 3K = 0, and K = 0
(2) To make the parabola cross the origin, the constant coefficient is 0, that is, 2K + 4 = 0, and K = - 2

(A-1) ² + B & #178; + 4B + 4 = 0, find the value of ab
