Cube of 8 (x + 2) = 27

Cube of 8 (x + 2) = 27


How many kilos is a cubic meter of sand

It depends on the density of the sand. Generally speaking, a cubic meter of sand is 2.7 tons, or 2700 kg

Cubes from 1 to 30, for example, the cube of 1 is 1, the cube of 2 is 8, and the cube of 3 is 27······

1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000 1331 1728 2197 2744 3375 4096 4913 5832 6859 8000 9261 10648 12167 13824 15625 17576 19683 21952 24389 27000

Cubic sum (a-b) cubic power + 27 = () times ()


The range of the function f (x) = (lgx) 2-lgx2-1 in the interval (1,8) is a brief description process

Let t = lgx, then (lgx) ^ 2-lgx ^ 2-1 = T ^ 2-2t-1, which increases monotonically in [1, + ∞) and decreases monotonically in (- ∞, 1). The interval (1,8) of X corresponds to the interval (0, LG8), LG8 of T

There is a trapezoid with an area of 16 square centimeters. One of its bottom edges is 3cm long, and the other is 1cm longer than its high line. Find the bottom edge length of the trapezoid
If the length of the bottom edge is xcm, according to the meaning of the question, the equation is listed

Let the length of the bottom edge be xcm
X2 = - 7 does not conform to the meaning of the subject
Answer bottom side length is 5cm

Four numbers 34 - 610 are mixed by three different methods, and each number can only be used once, so that the result is equal to 24


The sum SN of the first n terms of sequence {an} is known, which satisfies 6sn = an2 + 3an + 2 and an > 0. (1) find the first term A1; (2) prove that {an} is
The sum SN of the first n terms of the sequence {an} is known, which satisfies 6sn = an2 + 3an + 2 and an > 0. (1) find the first term A1; (2) prove that {an} is an arithmetic sequence; (3) find the general term formula an

(1) 6A1 = A1 ^ 2 + 3A1 + 2 the solution is A1 = 1 or 2
(2) 6sn=an^2+3an+2
Two formulas want to reduce 6An = an ^ 2-A (n-1) ^ 2 + 3an-3a (n-1)
That is, an-a (n-1) = 3, so the difference is equal
Then an = n + 3 or an = 2n + 3

The perimeter of a square board is 64 cm. How many square centimeters? How many square decimeters?

64 / 4 = 16 cm
16 ^ 2 = 256 square centimeters = 2.56 square decimeters

Now there are five natural numbers. By calculating the sum of any three numbers, we get 10 different natural numbers. They are 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27 and 29. What is the product of these five numbers______ .

Let these five natural numbers be a, B, C, D and E from small to large, then 15 + 16 + 18 + 19 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 26 + 27 + 29 = 216, which is the sum of 30 numbers, in which each number is used six times, so a + B + C + D + e = 216 △ 6 = 36; according to the meaning of the title, a + B + C = 15, C + D + e = 29 + 15-36 = 8; d = C + 1 = 9; E = 29-8-9 = 12; B + D + e = 27; b = 27-9-12 = 6; a = 15-6-8 = 1; so 1 × 6 × 8 × 9 × 12 = 5184; a + B + C + C + D + D + e = 29-9 = 8-9 = 12; B + B = 27-9-9-9 = 27; b = 27-9-9-9-9-12 = 6; a = 15-6-6-8 = 6; a = 6; So the answer is: 5184